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坏呼呼嘿嘿 · 2021年08月23日

这一题不应该比较underwriting expense ratio吗?为什么解析里说要比较combined ratio



Viktoria Smith is a recently hired junior analyst at Aries Investments. Smith and her supervisor, Ingrid Johansson, meet to discuss some of the firm’s investments in banks and insurance companies.

Johansson asks Smith to review key performance ratios for three P&C insurers in which Aries is invested. The ratios are presented in Exhibit 1.

Based on Exhibit 1, Smith should conclude that the insurer with the most efficient underwriting operation is:



Insurer A.


Insurer B.


Insurer C.


C is correct.

The combined ratio, which is the sum of the underwriting expense ratio and the loss and loss adjustment expense ratio, is a measure of the efficiency of an underwriting operation. A combined ratio of less than 100% is considered efficient; a combined ratio greater than 100% indicates an underwriting loss. Insurer C is the only insurer that has a combined ratio less than 100%.

解析:The combined ratio= underwriting expense ratio+ loss and loss adjustment expense ratio,三个ratio都是越低越好,低于100%的combined ratio代表有效率,大于100%的combined ratio说明收到的保费无法覆盖运营成本及理赔支出,说明保险公司的业务做的不好,在赔钱。

这一题不应该比较underwriting expense ratio吗?为什么解析里说要比较combined ratio

1 个答案

纠纠_品职答疑助手 · 2021年08月24日




combined ratio 是an indicator of the quality of a company’s underwriting activities

underwriting expenses ratio 是:an indicator of the efficiency of a company’s operations in acquiring and managing underwriting business。



这道题目问的是underwriting operation 的效率所以我们用combined ratio


  • 1

  • 4

  • 650


NO.PZ2020021601000006 问题如下 Viktoria Smith is a recently hirejunior analyst Aries Investments. Smith anher supervisor, IngriJohansson, meet to scuss some of the firm’s investments in banks aninsurancompanies.Johansson asks Smith to review key performanratios for three P C insurers in whiAries is investe The ratios are presentein Exhibit 1.Baseon Exhibit 1, Smith shoulconclu ththe insurer with the most efficient unrwriting operation is: A.Insurer B.Insurer C.Insurer C is correct.The combineratio, whiis the sum of the unrwriting expense ratio anthe loss anloss austment expense ratio, is a measure of the efficienof unrwriting operation. A combineratio of less th100% is consireefficient; a combineratio greater th100% incates unrwriting loss. Insurer C is the only insurer thha combineratio less th100%.解析The combineratio= unrwriting expense ratio+ loss anloss austment expense ratio,三个ratio都是越低越好,低于100%的combineratio代表有效率,大于100%的combineratio说明收到的保费无法覆盖运营成本及理赔支出,说明保险公司的业务做的不好,在赔钱。 老师在知识框架里面写关于combineratiothis ratio incates the overall efficienof unrwriting operation. A combineratio of less th100 is consireefficient.以及会不会出现combineratio两个部分比较结果不一样的情况?比如loss anloss austment ratio更高但是unrwriting expense ratio更低, 这个时候是优先比较combineratio么?

2024-08-19 09:19 1 · 回答