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今日打卡 · 2021年03月08日




A random sample is 100 CFA candidate's exam scoring. The mean of the scoring is 64. The standard deviation of the population scoring is 15 . The distribution is sopposed to be normal. The 95% confidence interval for the population mean should be:



61.06 to 66.94.


61.06 to 69.94.


65.06 to 66.94.


A is correct.

Because the variance of the population is know and n ≥ 30,so The confidence interval is:

x¯ ± z α/2 (σ/ n )

z α/2 = z 0.025 =1.96

64 ± 1.96(15/10) = 64 ± 2.94 = 61.06 to 66.94.

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2021年03月08日



②这道题所用的方法和你提供的讲义上的方法是一致的。其中均值为样本均值64,标准差为样本均值标准差(即标准误)=15/√100=1.5,所以代入置信区间公式即为 64±1.96×1.5,得到[61.06,66.94]

③如果做出来的结果不一致,可以检查一下是不是样本均值的标准差(应该代入standard error=1.5)错误的代入了总体标准差15。


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NO.PZ2015120604000117 问题如下 A ranm sample is 100 CFA cante's exscoring. The meof the scoring is 64. The stanrviation of the population scoring is 15. The stribution is supposeto normal. The 95% confinintervfor the population meshoulbe: A.61.06 to 66.94. B.61.06 to 69.94. C.65.06 to 66.94. A is correct.Because the varianof the population is know ann ≥ 30,so The confinintervis: x¯ ± z α/2 (σ/ n ) z α/2 = z 0.025 =1.96 64 ± 1.96(15/10) = 64 ± 2.94 = 61.06 to 66.94.因为样本方差已知且n 30,我们直接使用置信区间计算64 ± 1.96(15/10) = 64 ± 2.94 = 61.06 至 66.94.

2022-11-19 10:58 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000117问题如下 A ranm sample is 100 CFA cante's exscoring. The meof the scoring is 64. The stanrviation of the population scoring is 15. The stribution is supposeto normal. The 95% confinintervfor the population meshoulbe: A.61.06 to 66.94.B.61.06 to 69.94.C.65.06 to 66.94. A is correct.Because the varianof the population is know ann ≥ 30,so The confinintervis: x¯ ± z α/2 (σ/ n ) z α/2 = z 0.025 =1.96 64 ± 1.96(15/10) = 64 ± 2.94 = 61.06 to 66.94.因为样本方差已知且n 30,我们直接使用置信区间计算64 ± 1.96(15/10) = 64 ± 2.94 = 61.06 至 66.94. 根据题目分数只可能是正数,拒绝域应该是在右边,95%的单尾应该对应的是1.65呀?

2022-10-20 09:10 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000117问题如下 A ranm sample is 100 CFA cante's exscoring. The meof the scoring is 64. The stanrviation of the population scoring is 15. The stribution is supposeto normal. The 95% confinintervfor the population meshoulbe: A.61.06 to 66.94. B.61.06 to 69.94. C.65.06 to 66.94. A is correct.Because the varianof the population is know ann ≥ 30,so The confinintervis: x¯ ± z α/2 (σ/ n ) z α/2 = z 0.025 =1.96 64 ± 1.96(15/10) = 64 ± 2.94 = 61.06 to 66.94.因为样本方差已知且n 30,我们直接使用置信区间计算64 ± 1.96(15/10) = 64 ± 2.94 = 61.06 至 66.94. 老师您好,PPT上的公司用的是sigma,所以我的理解是直接用population S好,为什么用SE呢?

2022-04-03 04:05 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000117 61.06 to 69.94. 65.06 to 66.94. A is correct. Because the varianof the population is know ann ≥ 30,so The confinintervis: x¯ ± z α/2 (σ/ n ) z α/2 = z 0.025 =1.96 64 ± 1.96(15/10) = 64 ± 2.94 = 61.06 to 66.94. 因为样本方差已知且n>30,我们直接使用置信区间计算 64 ± 1.96(15/10) = 64 ± 2.94 = 61.06 至 66.94. 如果只抽一次,一次数量大于等于30,那么,这一次数据的标准差等于总体标准差除以根号n么?如果抽100次,每一次数量都大于等于30,每一次都会有一个均值,这些均值又形成一个新的分布,这个新的分布的方差叫做标准误,也等于总体的标准差除以根号n吗?

2022-02-04 12:33 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2015120604000117 老师请问样本标准差和样本均值标准分别是怎么定义的,区别是什么?

2021-06-06 14:57 2 · 回答