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天蝎独婧 · 2020年11月25日

问一道题:NO.PZ201512020300000901 第1小题 [ CFA II ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干


Based on Exhibit 1, Olabudo should:



conclude that the inflation predictions are unbiased.


reject the null hypothesis that the slope coefficient equals 1.


reject the null hypothesis that the intercept coefficient equals 0.


A is correct. If the consensus inflation forecast is unbiased, then the intercept, b0, should equal 0, and the slope coefficient, b1, should equal 1. The t-statistic for the intercept coefficient is 0.5351, which is less than the critical t-value of 2.0, so the intercept coefficient is not statistically different than 0. To test whether the slope coefficient equals 1, the t-statistic is calculated as: t=–1.0968

Because the absolute value of the t-statistic of –1.0968 is less than the critical t-value of 2.0, the slope coefficient is not statistically different than 1. Therefore, Olabudo can conclude that the inflation forecasts are unbiased.

我想问一下这道题里的the absolute value of the critical value 为什么可以用,而书后习题中reading 4(25~30)里面的note:the critical value for one side t test at the 5%significance level is 1.691 就不能用? 有什么区别么
1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2020年11月25日



但即使不勘误,也不能用之前给的1.691,因为这是一个单尾5%对应的critical value(“ critical value for one side t test at the 5%significance level ”),而这道题的t检验是双尾检验。双尾检验下的5% significance level对应的是单尾2.5%的面积。所以如果要用单尾的t critical value,也只能用“ critical value for one side t test at the 2.5% significance level ”,不能用5%单尾的。

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NO.PZ201512020300000901 老师好 为啥 If the consensus inflation forecast is unbiase then the intercept, b0, shoulequ0, anthe slope coefficient, b1, shoulequ1. 这里该怎么理解?谢谢

2021-11-11 16:07 1 · 回答

rejethe null hypothesis ththe slope coefficient equals 1. rejethe null hypothesis ththe intercept coefficient equals 0. A is correct. If the consensus inflation forecast is unbiase then the intercept, b0, shoulequ0, anthe slope coefficient, b1, shoulequ1. The t-statistic for the intercept coefficient is 0.5351, whiis less ththe critict-value of 2.0, so the intercept coefficient is not statistically fferent th0. To test whether the slope coefficient equals 1, the t-statistic is calculateas: t=–1.0968 Because the absolute value of the t-statistic of –1.0968 is less ththe critict-value of 2.0, the slope coefficient is not statistically fferent th1. Therefore, Olabu cconclu ththe inflation forecasts are unbiase 请问B是错在假设条件错了吗

2021-10-23 00:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512020300000901 unbitest都要做两个test 吗?一个是b0=0,一个b1=1吗?

2021-08-19 13:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512020300000901 The t-statistic for the intercept coefficient is 0.5351, whiis less ththe critical t-value of 2.0, so the intercept coefficient is not statistically fferent th0.  此处的H0是intercept=0 计算出的t统计量为0.5(表格中式0.5351)小于2.0,应该是在接受域中吧?

2021-08-14 19:42 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201512020300000901 老师 b0的原假设为什么等于0 b1为什么等于1 ? 表1中给出了b1的t检验统计量了 为什么还要自己算?

2021-06-03 17:35 1 · 回答