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呜呼哀哉的夭夭 · 2020年11月19日



Company M, a manufacturer of automobile, is in the 25% tax bracket. The company is currently 37.5% debt-financed and 62.5% equity-financed, with the market value of debt and EBIT of $1 million and $0.5 million, respectively. What`s the WACC of Company M according to the MM`s proposition with tax?









B is correct.

考点:Capital Structure Theory: with tax

解析根据公式 VL=VD+VE=EBIT(1T)WACCV_L=V_D+V_E=\frac{EBIT\ast(1-T)}{WACC}

VD = $1 million, D/E = 0.6, 求得VE = $1.67 million

代入VL = 2.67 =0.5(125%)WACC\frac{0.5\ast(1-25\%)}{WACC}求得WACC = 14.04%


1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2020年11月19日

- 亲不行哈
- 首先,你可以用 VL=EBIT(1-T)/r0+DxT 来求 r0,但是 r0 可不等于现在公司的 WACC 啊
- r0 是全投资假设时的 re,但是你也说了,现在公司有借债,所以 D 不等于 0,所以此时的 WACC 并不等于 r0
- 即使你求出了 r0, 也要计算 re, rd 才能计算 WACC,但是题目并没有提供 re,rd 的数据哈
- 其次,实际求解时,也没有用 r0, 而是 WACC
- 因为首先我们有 V = EBIT(1-t)/WACC(这个才是计算价值的一般公式), 当 D = 0时,WACC = r0, 所以 Vu=EBIT(1-t)/r0。当 D 不等于 0 时,VL=EBIT(1-t)/WACC

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Company M, a manufacturer of automobile, is in the 25% tbracket. The company is currently 37.5% bt-financean62.5% equity-finance with the market value of anEBIT of $1 million an$0.5 million, respectively. What`s the WAof Company M accorng to the MM`s proposition with tax? 11.25% 14.04% 18.73% B is correct. 考点CapitStructure Theory: with t解析根据公式 VL=VVE=EBIT∗(1−T)WACCV_L=V_V_E=\frac{EBIT\ast(1-T)}{WACC}VL​=V+VE​=WACCEBIT∗(1−T)​ V= $1 million, E = 0.6, 求得VE = $1.67 million 代入VL = 2.67 = 0.5∗(1−25%)WACC\frac{0.5\ast(1-25\%)}{WACC}WACC0.5∗(1−25%)​ ,求得WA= 14.04% .Vul这个公式和题目用的Vl这两个长得很像,有什么关系吗?

2021-03-17 17:49 1 · 回答

14.04% 18.73% B is correct. 考点CapitStructure Theory: with t解析根据公式 VL=VVE=EBIT∗(1−T)WACCV_L=V_V_E=\frac{EBIT\ast(1-T)}{WACC}VL​=V+VE​=WACCEBIT∗(1−T)​ V= $1 million, E = 0.6, 求得VE = $1.67 million 代入VL = 2.67 = 0.5∗(1−25%)WACC\frac{0.5\ast(1-25\%)}{WACC}WACC0.5∗(1−25%)​ ,求得WA= 14.04% 这题跟mm理论什么关系啊

2020-11-28 18:55 1 · 回答

Company M, a manufacturer of automobile, is in the 25% tbracket. The company is currently 37.5% bt-financean62.5% equity-finance with the market value of anEBIT of $1 million an$0.5 million, respectively. What`s the WAof Company M accorng to the MM`s proposition with tax? 11.25% 14.04% 18.73% B is correct. 考点CapitStructure Theory: with t解析根据公式 VL=VVE=EBIT∗(1−T)WACCV_L=V_V_E=\frac{EBIT\ast(1-T)}{WACC}VL​=V+VE​=WACCEBIT∗(1−T)​ V= $1 million, E = 0.6, 求得VE = $1.67 million 代入VL = 2.67 = 0.5∗(1−25%)WACC\frac{0.5\ast(1-25\%)}{WACC}WACC0.5∗(1−25%)​ ,求得WA= 14.04% 老师,您的解答中VL 可以从两个角度出发理解 - 无杠杆的价值, 加上有杠杆的税盾 - 资产负债表右边等于左边 。老师,这两个公式中的WACC含义不同是吗?第一个公式的WACC是假设全投资情况的,第二个公式的WACC不是全投资情况的是吗?所以两个公式求的都是VL,但公式相差,就是因为WACC的含义和数值不同对吗?

2020-09-15 09:08 1 · 回答

14.04% 18.73% B is correct. 考点CapitStructure Theory: with t解析根据公式 VL=VVE=EBIT∗(1−T)WACCV_L=V_V_E=\frac{EBIT\ast(1-T)}{WACC}VL​=V+VE​=WACCEBIT∗(1−T)​ V= $1 million, E = 0.6, 求得VE = $1.67 million 代入VL = 2.67 = 0.5∗(1−25%)WACC\frac{0.5\ast(1-25\%)}{WACC}WACC0.5∗(1−25%)​ ,求得WA= 14.04% 老师,为什么VL的公式中没有?不考虑税盾吗?MM有税理论不是VL=VU+吗?

2020-09-09 16:47 2 · 回答