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胖妞儿也很努力呀 · 2020年11月18日

问一道题:NO.PZ201512300100000706 第6小题 [ CFA II ]

* 问题详情,请 查看题干


6. Fromm’s estimate of growth capital expenditure included in Omikroon’s property, plant, and equipment under Scenario 2 should be:



lower than under Scenario 1.


the same as under Scenario 1.


higher than under Scenario 1.


C is correct.

In Scenario 2, growth capital expenditure of 27 million for the refit of the existing idle factory is higher than the growth capital expenditure in Scenario 1 of 25 million. The 25 million is the cost of building a new factory for 30 million less the proceeds from the sale of the existing idle factory of 5 million.

老师这个题目是因为题干中问的是growth capital expenditure不用考虑摊销,处置等问题嘛?如果题目改为capex的话是不是计算方法就不同了,需要考虑摊销等问题?

2 个答案

Debrah_品职答疑助手 · 2020年11月18日

同学你好,这道题目的关键是明白growth capital expenditure是什么意思,它指为了产能扩张而需要投入的资本,它其实是CapEx的一种类型。以下是原版书对于该知识点的解释。


关于Capex,实际就是capital expenditure,Capex=Gross PP&Et - Gross PP&E(t-1)=Net PP&Et - Gross PP&E(t-1)+Depreciation。基础班159页。

胖妞儿也很努力呀 · 2020年11月21日

capex=net pp&e(t)— net pp&e (t-1)+dep

Debrah_品职答疑助手 · 2020年11月22日


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  • 1

  • 778


NO.PZ201512300100000706 这个题目为什么不考虑折旧的费用呢?

2021-04-06 21:12 1 · 回答

the same unr Scenario 1. higher thunr Scenario 1. C is correct. In Scenario 2, growth capitexpenture of 27 million for the refit of the existing ie factory is higher ththe growth capitexpenture in Scenario 1 of 25 million. The 25 million is the cost of builng a new factory for 30 million less the procee from the sale of the existing ie factory of 5 million.如果CapEx考虑了sposal,那有处置情况下FX investment为什么还要用CapEx扣除sposal呢?原版书只是说growth CapEx是expanthe business 的支出因为听了课后题解析还是没有得到为什么这里要扣除sposal,麻烦解答一下。如果说具体问题具体分析,考试时候如果又让求FC investment又让求growth CapEx, 那这个sposal怎么考虑呢?考虑在FC investment还是growth CapEx里呢

2020-09-14 16:21 1 · 回答

the same unr Scenario 1. higher thunr Scenario 1. C is correct. In Scenario 2, growth capitexpenture of 27 million for the refit of the existing ie factory is higher ththe growth capitexpenture in Scenario 1 of 25 million. The 25 million is the cost of builng a new factory for 30 million less the procee from the sale of the existing ie factory of 5 million.老师,这个题不明白。Scenario one 里旧设备还有残值4.9 (7-7/10*3),那么变卖了也就是有收益0.1。30-0.1 = 29.9 还是比Scenario 2的资本投资大呀。

2020-05-22 21:43 1 · 回答

老师这道题提到了使用寿命,为什么不考虑资本化和摊销的问题呢?我按照27m refit之后摊销7年,30m的摊销10年来算,虽然得到的结果是一样,但(7年)这个数字是我YY的,思路是完全偏了?

2020-03-08 19:01 1 · 回答