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Zxxyyy · 2020年05月14日

问一道题:NO.PZ2018062009000038 [ CFA II ]


After attending the CFA Level I exam, Chen discussed the exam's questions with other candidates that he felt confused about EPS analysis and then found the answer from the reading book when he went back home. He posted statement on the Facebook that, I make a mistake in the exam about EPS calculation and I hope I can pass the Level I. Chen most likely:



did not violate the Code and Standards by discussing the questions with other candidates.


\did not violate the Code and Standards by posting statement on the Facebook.


violated the Code and Standards by posting the exam information on the Facebook.


C is correct.

After exam, Chen should not discuss any information about exam with other candidates, and Chen also should not post statement about EPS calculation on the Facebook. But “I hope I can pass the level I" is not a violation of the Code and Standards. Conducts of Members and Candidates in the CFA Program prohibits providing exam informations for the candidates or the public.

1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2020年05月15日


  • Chen讨论到考试内容EPS-->EPS属于考试内容,是不可以说的,所以违反;只可以说自己的opinion,比如认为考试很难等


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NO.PZ2018062009000038 问题如下 After attenng the CFA Level I exam, Chen scussethe exam's questions with other cantes thhe felt confuseabout EPS analysis anthen founthe answer from the reang book when he went bahome. He postestatement on the Facebook that, I make a mistake in the exabout EPS calculation anI hope I cpass the Level I. Chen most likely: A.not violate the Co anStanr scussing the questions with other cantes. B.not violate the Co anStanr posting statement on the Facebook. C.violatethe Co anStanr posting the exinformation on the Facebook. C is correct.After exam, Chen shoulnot scuss any information about exwith other cantes, anChen also shoulnot post statement about EPS calculation on the Facebook. But “I hope I cpass the level I\" is not a violation of the Co anStanr. Concts of Members anCantes in the CFA Progrprohibits proving exinformations for the cantes or the public.考完试后,Chen不可以和其他考生讨论关于考试内容的信息,也不应该在Facebook上发关于EPS计算的状态。但是“我希望我可以通过一级考试”这句话并没有违反准则的规定。CFA考生被禁止提供关于考试内容的信息给其他考生或者给大众。 讨论答案违反了,但是,发布到网上的那句话为什么违反了?他只是说自己在eps部分犯了错,可能通不过。这样也算泄漏考试信息?是不能提eps么?

2022-07-08 12:21 1 · 回答


2020-11-08 11:08 1 · 回答