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买买要当学霸 · 2019年12月05日


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3. Using the financial results for 2012 shown in Exhibit 2, it would be most appropriate for Larsted to conclude that economies of scale for firms in the home improvements retail sector:



do not exist.


exist and are realized in cost of goods sold only.


exist and are realized in both cost of goods sold and SG&A.


3.B  Retail, Inc., operating margin 2012  1,480/15,091=9.8%

Midsize, Inc., operating margin 2012      598/8,488=7.0%

Retail,Inc.,is a bigger firm and has a larger operating margin, suggesting that economies of scale are more likely to exist.

Retailer COGS as a %of Revenue 2012      9,966/15091=66%   

Midsize COGS as a %of Revenue 2012      5,857/8,488=69%

Retailer SG&A as a %of Revenue 2012     3,654/15,091=24%

Midsize SG&A as a%of Revenue 2012      2,033/8,488=24%

Analysis of the expense ratios shows that the economies of scale are realized in COGS rather than in SG&A.

答案这里好像显示的有问题 能具体写一下是怎么得出B选项吗 还有为什么C选项不对呢

1 个答案

maggie_品职助教 · 2019年12月05日



3、两家公司从收入规模上就能看得出一大一小,因此该题目先从计算operating margin下手,计算得到大公司的经营利润率反而更高,说明大公司规模经济。


  • 1

  • 0

  • 323


3. Using the financiresults for 2012 shown in Exhibit 2, it woulmost appropriate for Larsteto conclu theconomies of scale for firms in the home improvements retail sector: not exist. exist anare realizein cost of goo solonly. exist anare realizein both cost of goo solanSG& 3.Retail, Inc., operating margin 2012  1,480/15,091=9.8% Miize, Inc., operating margin 2012      598/8,488=7.0% Retail,Inc.,is a bigger firm anha larger operating margin, suggesting theconomies of scale are more likely to exist. Retailer COGS a %of Revenue 2012      9,966/15091=66%    Miize COGS a %of Revenue 2012      5,857/8,488=69% Retailer SG&A a %of Revenue 2012     3,654/15,091=24% Miize SG&A a%of Revenue 2012      2,033/8,488=24% Analysis of the expense ratios shows ththe economies of scale are realizein COGS rather thin SG&想问下这个CASE的来源。没有在原本书课后题看到这题。

2020-05-09 15:40 1 · 回答

3. Using the financiresults for 2012 shown in Exhibit 2, it woulmost appropriate for Larsteto conclu theconomies of scale for firms in the home improvements retail sector: not exist. exist anare realizein cost of goo solonly. exist anare realizein both cost of goo solanSG& 3.Retail, Inc., operating margin 2012  1,480/15,091=9.8% Miize, Inc., operating margin 2012      598/8,488=7.0% Retail,Inc.,is a bigger firm anha larger operating margin, suggesting theconomies of scale are more likely to exist. Retailer COGS a %of Revenue 2012      9,966/15091=66%    Miize COGS a %of Revenue 2012      5,857/8,488=69% Retailer SG&A a %of Revenue 2012     3,654/15,091=24% Miize SG&A a%of Revenue 2012      2,033/8,488=24% Analysis of the expense ratios shows ththe economies of scale are realizein COGS rather thin SG&这道题为啥不从不同年份公司自己的数据进行对比呢?

2020-03-05 20:25 1 · 回答

没看懂答案,规模经济应该是随着sales增长,gross margin或者operating margin也增长吧?为什么答案是在对比两家公司COGS和SG A的sales占比

2019-12-01 07:07 1 · 回答

3. Using the financiresults for 2012 shown in Exhibit 2, it woulmost appropriate for Larsteto conclu theconomies of scale for firms in the home improvements retail sector: not exist. exist anare realizein cost of goo solonly. exist anare realizein both cost of goo solanSG& 3.Retail, Inc., operating margin 2012  1,480/15,091=9.8% Miize, Inc., operating margin 2012      598/8,488=7.0% Retail,Inc.,is a bigger firm anha larger operating margin, suggesting theconomies of scale are more likely to exist. Retailer COGS a %of Revenue 2012      9,966/15091=66%    Miize COGS a %of Revenue 2012      5,857/8,488=69% Retailer SG&A a %of Revenue 2012     3,654/15,091=24% Miize SG&A a%of Revenue 2012      2,033/8,488=24% Analysis of the expense ratios shows ththe economies of scale are realizein COGS rather thin SG&答案是不是有问题,都没有显示出来。

2019-11-26 16:20 1 · 回答