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princessmiao · 2019年11月28日

 问一道题:NO.PZ2016010802000095 [ CFA I ]







还是不明白为什么净出口增加,cash outflow增加?难道不是增加外资吗?

1 个答案

needabroom · 2019年11月28日



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NO.PZ2016010802000095 问题如下 Because of a sharp cline in reestate values, the householsector hincreasethe fraction of sposable income thit saves. If output aninvestment spenng remain unchange whiof the following is most likely? A.A crease in the government ficit. B.A crease in net exports anincreasecapitinflow. C.increase in net exports anincreasecapitoutflow. C is correct.The funmentrelationship among saving, investment, the fiscbalance, anthe tra balanis S = I + (G – T) + (X – M). Given the levels of output aninvestment spenng, increase in saving (rection in consumption) must offset either increase in the fiscficit or increase in net exports. Increasing the fiscficit is not one of the choices, so increase in net exports ancorresponng increase in net capitoutflows (increaselenng to foreigners anor increasepurchases of assets from foreigners) is the correresponse.考点解析 一国G可以通过支出法表示 Y=C+I+G+X-M,也可以通过收入法表示 Y=C+S+T ,讲上述两者联立,可得S=I+(G-T)+(X-M)依据上式,净出口的增加可以导致储蓄S的增加,所以C入选B不入选。财政赤字增加而非减少对应S的增加,所以A不入选。 是G-T表述财政赤字吗?还是要考虑其他因素 。

2023-10-15 18:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000095 问题如下 Because of a sharp cline in reestate values, the householsector hincreasethe fraction of sposable income thit saves. If output aninvestment spenng remain unchange whiof the following is most likely? A.A crease in the government ficit. B.A crease in net exports anincreasecapitinflow. C.increase in net exports anincreasecapitoutflow. C is correct.The funmentrelationship among saving, investment, the fiscbalance, anthe tra balanis S = I + (G – T) + (X – M). Given the levels of output aninvestment spenng, increase in saving (rection in consumption) must offset either increase in the fiscficit or increase in net exports. Increasing the fiscficit is not one of the choices, so increase in net exports ancorresponng increase in net capitoutflows (increaselenng to foreigners anor increasepurchases of assets from foreigners) is the correresponse.考点解析 一国G可以通过支出法表示 Y=C+I+G+X-M,也可以通过收入法表示 Y=C+S+T ,讲上述两者联立,可得S=I+(G-T)+(X-M)依据上式,净出口的增加可以导致储蓄S的增加,所以C入选B不入选。财政赤字增加而非减少对应S的增加,所以A不入选。 Given the levels of output aninvestment spenng, increase in saving (rection in consumption) must offset either increase in the fiscficit or increase in net exports. 里面的fiscficit具体是啥啊,g-t吗

2023-08-12 22:23 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000095问题如下Because of a sharp cline in reestate values, the householsector hincreasethe fraction of sposable income thit saves. If output aninvestment spenng remain unchange whiof the following is most likely?A.A crease in the government ficit.B.A crease in net exports anincreasecapitinflow.C.increase in net exports anincreasecapitoutflow. C is correct.The funmentrelationship among saving, investment, the fiscbalance, anthe tra balanis S = I + (G – T) + (X – M). Given the levels of output aninvestment spenng, increase in saving (rection in consumption) must offset either increase in the fiscficit or increase in net exports. Increasing the fiscficit is not one of the choices, so increase in net exports ancorresponng increase in net capitoutflows (increaselenng to foreigners anor increasepurchases of assets from foreigners) is the correresponse.考点解析 一国G可以通过支出法表示 Y=C+I+G+X-M,也可以通过收入法表示 Y=C+S+T ,讲上述两者联立,可得S=I+(G-T)+(X-M)依据上式,净出口的增加可以导致储蓄S的增加,所以C入选B不入选。财政赤字增加而非减少对应S的增加,所以A不入选。 householsector hincreasethe fraction of sposable income thit saves------说明S增加,If output aninvestment spenng remain unchange-------说明I不变,且G-T=(S-I)-(X-M)恒等式的值保持不变,所以,我得出x-m得总体增加,才能保持G-T的值不变,所以选了C,但我没有理解Because of a sharp cline in reestate values, 这句话怎么理解,可以推出什么结论,以上分析是否正确,请老师指教

2023-06-25 00:59 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000095 问题如下 Because of a sharp cline in reestate values, the householsector hincreasethe fraction of sposable income thit saves. If output aninvestment spenng remain unchange whiof the following is most likely? A.A crease in the government ficit. B.A crease in net exports anincreasecapitinflow. C.increase in net exports anincreasecapitoutflow. C is correct.The funmentrelationship among saving, investment, the fiscbalance, anthe tra balanis S = I + (G – T) + (X – M). Given the levels of output aninvestment spenng, increase in saving (rection in consumption) must offset either increase in the fiscficit or increase in net exports. Increasing the fiscficit is not one of the choices, so increase in net exports ancorresponng increase in net capitoutflows (increaselenng to foreigners anor increasepurchases of assets from foreigners) is the correresponse.考点解析 一国G可以通过支出法表示 Y=C+I+G+X-M,也可以通过收入法表示 Y=C+S+T ,讲上述两者联立,可得S=I+(G-T)+(X-M)依据上式,净出口的增加可以导致储蓄S的增加,所以C入选B不入选。财政赤字增加而非减少对应S的增加,所以A不入选。 rt

2023-03-13 17:03 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016010802000095 问题如下 Because of a sharp cline in reestate values, the householsector hincreasethe fraction of sposable income thit saves. If output aninvestment spenng remain unchange whiof the following is most likely? A.A crease in the government ficit. B.A crease in net exports anincreasecapitinflow. C.increase in net exports anincreasecapitoutflow. C is correct.The funmentrelationship among saving, investment, the fiscbalance, anthe tra balanis S = I + (G – T) + (X – M). Given the levels of output aninvestment spenng, increase in saving (rection in consumption) must offset either increase in the fiscficit or increase in net exports. Increasing the fiscficit is not one of the choices, so increase in net exports ancorresponng increase in net capitoutflows (increaselenng to foreigners anor increasepurchases of assets from foreigners) is the correresponse.考点解析 一国G可以通过支出法表示 Y=C+I+G+X-M,也可以通过收入法表示 Y=C+S+T ,讲上述两者联立,可得S=I+(G-T)+(X-M)依据上式,净出口的增加可以导致储蓄S的增加,所以C入选B不入选。财政赤字增加而非减少对应S的增加,所以A不入选。 这句话什么意思?房地产价值下降,为什么还会可支配收入增加?S增加?

2022-11-25 19:36 1 · 回答