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WINWIN8 · 2019年05月29日









老师,答案里有提到” model portfolio w/ the actual performance" 请问这是什么意思?

1 个答案

包包_品职助教 · 2019年05月30日

同学你好,model portfolio是指我们采用模型模拟的组合,actual performance 是实际管理的组合的业绩,这句话的意思是composite 不能把模型模拟的组合的业绩和实际业绩结合到一起。

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NO.PZ2016032802000046问题如下Whione of the followings is most likely correabout the composite construction?A.Composites cinclu the assets managethe firm whiis not actual.B.Composites clink performanof mol portfolios with the actuperformance.C.All actual, fee-paying, scretionary portfolios must incluin least one composite.C is correct.Accorng to Composite Construction, composites must inclu only actuassets managethe firm. Ancomposites mustn't link performanof simulateor mol portfolios with the actuperformance.scretionary里面的non-fee-paying是may包含在composite里的,但C最后一句说scretionary portfolios must inclu不是把non-fee-paying也包含在must inclu吗

2024-09-01 18:37 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000046 问题如下 Whione of the followings is most likely correabout the composite construction? A.Composites cinclu the assets managethe firm whiis not actual. B.Composites clink performanof mol portfolios with the actuperformance. C.All actual, fee-paying, scretionary portfolios must incluin least one composite. C is correct.Accorng to Composite Construction, composites must inclu only actuassets managethe firm. Ancomposites mustn't link performanof simulateor mol portfolios with the actuperformance. scretionary里面的non-fee-paying是“may”包含在composite里的,不是必须啊?

2024-08-21 21:47 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000046 问题如下 Whione of the followings is most likely correabout the composite construction? A.Composites cinclu the assets managethe firm whiis not actual. B.Composites clink performanof mol portfolios with the actuperformance. C.All actual, fee-paying, scretionary portfolios must incluin least one composite. C is correct.Accorng to Composite Construction, composites must inclu only actuassets managethe firm. Ancomposites mustn't link performanof simulateor mol portfolios with the actuperformance. c说至少在一个组合中。难道不是所有的组合中吗

2023-09-08 08:01 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000046 问题如下 Whione of the followings is most likely correabout the composite construction? A.Composites cinclu the assets managethe firm whiis not actual. B.Composites clink performanof mol portfolios with the actuperformance. C.All actual, fee-paying, scretionary portfolios must incluin least one composite. C is correct.Accorng to Composite Construction, composites must inclu only actuassets managethe firm. Ancomposites mustn't link performanof simulateor mol portfolios with the actuperformance. 讲义的哪个部分呢

2023-05-09 00:20 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016032802000046问题如下Whione of the followings is most likely correabout the composite construction?A.Composites cinclu the assets managethe firm whiis not actual.B.Composites clink performanof mol portfolios with the actuperformance.C.All actual, fee-paying, scretionary portfolios must incluin least one composite.C is correct.Accorng to Composite Construction, composites must inclu only actuassets managethe firm. Ancomposites mustn't link performanof simulateor mol portfolios with the actuperformance.“至少应该被包括在一个composite 里面”这里如何理解?还有至少至多?

2023-01-09 14:26 1 · 回答