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sclcjd · 2019年04月02日

问一道题:NO.PZ201604030300004701 第1小题

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1 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2019年04月03日



Riser在原雇主处做的是Portfolio manager,在子公司做的Board of director,属于同一行业可能会存在潜在的冲突,具体还要分析Riser做什么业务(例如,看到下一题发现Riser在子公司是做路演,这样和原公司业务没有冲突)。


向原雇主匹配的原因是:有了Additional Compensation,可能会引发潜在的利益冲突,雇主可以评判该利益冲突,披露的第二个原因是雇主可以知道真实的用人成本。



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NO.PZ201604030300004701 问题如下 1. Accorng to the CFA Institute Stanr of ProfessionConct, before accepting the position on the boarof the subsiary, Riser shoul A.receive verbconsent from Swibank. B.receive verbconsent from his clients. C.sclose to his employer the financicompensation proposethe subsiary. C is correct.Accorng to StanrIV(B), members must not accept compensation thcompetes with their employers’ interest unless they obtain written consent from all parties involve Thus Riser must receive written, not verbal, consent from his employer before accepting the position on the subsiary’s boar Accorng to the recommenproceres for compliance, Riser shoulmake immeate written report to his employer specifying the terms of the agreement; the nature of the compensation; the approximate amount of the compensation; anthe ration of the agreement. The Stanr not require thmembers receive permission from clients before accepting boarpositions. 子公司的职位是工作时间的竞争性岗位,为何接受子公司的职位不需要得到总公司的同意?

2024-03-10 16:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201604030300004701问题如下1. Accorng to the CFA Institute Stanr of ProfessionConct, before accepting the position on the boarof the subsiary, Riser shoulA.receive verbconsent from Swibank.B.receive verbconsent from his clients.C.sclose to his employer the financicompensation proposethe subsiary.C is correct.Accorng to StanrIV(B), members must not accept compensation thcompetes with their employers’ interest unless they obtain written consent from all parties involve Thus Riser must receive written, not verbal, consent from his employer before accepting the position on the subsiary’s boar Accorng to the recommenproceres for compliance, Riser shoulmake immeate written report to his employer specifying the terms of the agreement; the nature of the compensation; the approximate amount of the compensation; anthe ration of the agreement. The Stanr not require thmembers receive permission from clients before accepting boarpositions.选c没问题,因为verbal肯定不对。但是他去子公司当领导是总部调过去的,用了request这个词。不是他自己去的或者子公司给他offer。那这些信息总部肯定知道。

2022-07-28 08:01 1 · 回答

老师,请问答案解析的最后一句“The Stanr not require thmembers receive permission from clients before accepting boarpositions.\"是指可以在得到同意之前接受职位吗?

2020-11-11 17:30 1 · 回答

receive verbconsent from his clients. sclose to his employer the financicompensation proposethe subsiary. C is correct. Accorng to StanrIV(B), members must not accept compensation thcompetes with their employers’ interest unless they obtain written consent from all parties involve Thus Riser must receive written, not verbal, consent from his employer before accepting the position on the subsiary’s boar Accorng to the recommenproceres for compliance, Riser shoulmake immeate written report to his employer specifying the terms of the agreement; the nature of the compensation; the approximate amount of the compensation; anthe ration of the agreement. The Stanr not require thmembers receive permission from clients before accepting boarpositions.有利益冲突为什么不需要征求客户同意?不是说需要向客户披露吗

2020-09-20 12:26 1 · 回答