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二狗 · 2024年10月08日

可以先计算整个组合的modified duration和PVfull吗



An analyst collects the following details about a bond portfolio. If each bond has a par value of £25 million, the modified duration of this bond portfolio is closest to:


A.5.8. B.6.1. C.6.2.


A is correct.

Money duration is calculated as the annual modified duration times the full price (PVFull) of the bond, including accrued interest. Thus the modified durations of the bonds are 730/95 = 7.6842 and 515/120 = 4.29167, respectively. The modified duration of a bond portfolio is calculated as the weighted average of the statistics for the individual bonds. The shares of overall portfolio market value are the weights. Here, the market values of the bonds are £25 million * 95/100 = £23,750,000 and £25 million * 120/100 = £30,000,000. Thus the weight of the first bond in the portfolio is £23,750,000 / (£23,750,000 + £30,000,000) = 44.186% and the weight of the second bond in the portfolio is £30,000,000 / (£23,750,000 + £30,000,000) = 55.814%. The modified duration of the portfolio is therefore 44.186% * 7.6842 + 55.814% * 4.29167 = 3.3953 + 2.3953 = 5.7907, rounded to 5.8.

考点:portfolio duration


1、首先先计算各资产的市场价值以及总市值。市场价值 = Price /100 × Par amount,两个债券的市场价值分别为 £23,750,000、£30,000,000,加总后总市值为 £53,750,000。

2、计算各资产的权重:W1= 0.4419、W2 = 0.5581

3、计算各债券的Modified duration:D1 = 7.6842、D2 = 4.2917

4、portfolio duration = 7.6842 × 0.4419 + 4.2917 × 0.5581 = 5.79,故选项A正确。


1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年10月08日


可以先计算整个组合的modified duration和PVfull吗




而portfolio 的PV,也是等于各个债券PV的加和。



债券1的modified duration = 730/95 = 7.6842,权重23,750,000 / (£23,750,000 + £30,000,000) = 44.186%

债券2的modified duration = 515/120 = 4.29167,权重£30,000,000 / (£23,750,000 + £30,000,000) = 55.814%

加权求和:Portfolio duration = =730/95*0.4419+515/120*0.5581 =5.79


  • 1

  • 0

  • 56


NO.PZ2023090201000106 问题如下 analyst collects the following tails about a bonportfolio. If eabonha pvalue of £25 million, the mofieration of this bonportfolio is closest to: A.5.8. B.6.1. C.6.2. A is correct. Money ration is calculatethe annumofieration times the full pri(PVFull) of the bon inclung accrueinterest. Thus the mofierations of the bon are 730/95 = 7.6842 an515/120 = 4.29167, respectively. The mofieration of a bonportfolio is calculatethe weighteaverage of the statistifor the invibon. The shares of overall portfolio market value are the weights. Here, the market values of the bon are £25 million * 95/100 = £23,750,000 an£25 million * 120/100 = £30,000,000. Thus the weight of the first bonin the portfolio is £23,750,000 / (£23,750,000 + £30,000,000) = 44.186% anthe weight of the seconbonin the portfolio is £30,000,000 / (£23,750,000 + £30,000,000) = 55.814%. The mofieration of the portfolio is therefore 44.186% * 7.6842 + 55.814% * 4.29167 = 3.3953 + 2.3953 = 5.7907, rounto 5.8. 考点portfolio ration解析组合久期是将组合中各资产的久期加权平均的结果,权重为各资产的市场价值占组合市场价值的比重。1、首先先计算各资产的市场价值以及总市值。市场价值 = Pri/100 × Pamount,两个债券的市场价值分别为 £23,750,000、£30,000,000,加总后总市值为 £53,750,000。2、计算各资产的权重W1= 0.4419、W2 = 0.55813、计算各债券的Mofieration = 7.6842、 = 4.29174、portfolio ration = 7.6842 × 0.4419 + 4.2917 × 0.5581 = 5.79,故A正确。 计算各债券的Mofieration = 7.6842、 = 4.2917

2024-05-21 11:29 1 · 回答