开发者:上海品职教育科技有限公司 隐私政策详情


白石 · 2024年08月31日




A combined CEO and chair position is most likely to be found on a board in:


A.France. B.Germany. C.the United Kingdom.


A is correct because boards with a combined CEO and chair [are] most commonly seen in the United States and France.

B is incorrect because Germany has two-tier boards, with wholly non-executive supervisory boards overseeing management boards.

C is incorrect because combined CEO and chair positions are most commonly seen in the United States and France, not the UK. At the most basic level, some countries have single-tier boards, with some dominated by executive directors (as in Japan), some having a combined CEO and chair (most commonly seen in the United States and France), and some lying in between these models (as in the UK).

At the most basic level, some countries have single-tier boards, with some dominated by executive directors (as in Japan), some having a combined CEO and chair (most commonly seen in the United States and France), and some lying in between these models (as in the UK)

1 个答案

Tina_品职助教 · 2024年08月31日



1. 单一董事会结构

日本的公司治理通常采用单一董事会结构(Single-Tier Board),董事会由执行董事和非执行董事共同组成。与一些西方国家不同,传统上日本的董事会成员主要是公司的内部管理人员,即执行董事。这意味着公司内部的管理层在董事会中占据主导地位,负责公司的日常运营和决策。

2. 法定审计师的角色

法定审计师(Statutory Auditors)在日本的公司治理中扮演重要角色。这些审计师由股东大会任命,负责监督董事会的运作,确保公司财务报告的准确性和透明度。理论上,法定审计师应独立于董事会,但在实践中,由于他们可能与公司的家族企业或主要银行有密切关系,其独立性往往受到质疑。

3. Abenomics下的治理改革

在安倍晋三首相提出的“安倍经济学”(Abenomics)政策下,日本推动了公司治理的改革,特别是通过引入“公司治理守则”(Corporate Governance Code)和“股东守则”(Stewardship Code)。这些改革的目标是增强董事会的独立性和透明度,促进外部董事的引入,推动公司更关注股东利益。许多公司因此引入了带有审计、提名和薪酬委员会的“委员会制度”(Board with Committees),以替代传统的法定审计师结构。

4. 外部董事的引入

近年来,日本公司越来越多地引入外部董事(Independent Directors),以提高公司治理的独立性和透明度。这些外部董事通常来自公司外部,独立于公司的日常运营,从而为董事会带来外部视角和更为客观的决策依据。
