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七七 · 2024年07月27日

Private real assets (timber)是equity-related hedge funds吗?



Ingerðria Greslö is an adviser with an investment management company and focuses on asset allocation for the company’s high-net-worth investors. She prepares for a meeting with Maarten Pua, a new client who recently inherited a $10 million portfolio solely comprising public equities.

Greslö meets with Pua and proposes that she create a multi-asset portfolio by selling a portion of his equity holdings and investing the proceeds in another asset class. Greslö advises Pua that his investment objective should be to select an asset class that has a high potential to fulfill two functional roles: risk diversification and capital growth. Greslö suggests the following three asset classes:

· Public real estate

· Private real assets (timber)

· Equity long/short hedge funds

Determine the most appropriate equity-related hedge fund strategy that Shaindy should employ. Justify your response.



请问Private real assets (timber)是equity-related hedge funds吗?

equity相关的策略,讲了long-short, dedicated short和short biasd,EMN三种策略,里面没有包括real asset啊

2 个答案

伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年08月12日


那问题Determine the most appropriate equity-related hedge fund strategy that Shaindy should employ. 给的3个选项里,只有最后一个long/short是 equity-related 的,其他两个就直接排除掉了,——你说的对的,问题有些bug。不应该问equity-related


伯恩_品职助教 · 2024年07月28日


请问Private real assets (timber)是equity-related hedge funds吗?——不属于,就是Private real assets

equity相关的策略,讲了long-short, dedicated short和short biasd,EMN三种策略,里面没有包括real asset啊——这不是第一章的内容,是第二章


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NO.PZ2023010407000028 问题如下 Ingerðria Greslö is aiser with investment management companyanfocuses on asset allocation for the company’s high-net-worth investors. Sheprepares for a meeting with Maarten Pua new client who recently inheritea$10 million portfolio solely comprising public equities.Greslö meets withPua anproposes thshe create a multi-asset portfolio selling a portionof his equity holngs aninvesting the procee in another asset class.Greslö aises Pua thhis investment objective shoulto seleassetclass thha high potentito fulfill two functionroles: riskversification ancapitgrowth. Greslö suggests the following three assetclasses: · Public reestate· Private reassets (timber)· Equity long/short hee funterminethe most appropriate equity-relatehee funstrategy thShain shoulmploy. Justify your response. Private reassets (timber) is most appropriate. the reasons are following:1.Private reassets cprovis risk versification ancapitgrowth.2.comparewith private reassets, Public reestate anEquity long/short hee fun's versification is less.

2024-01-11 17:50 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023010407000028 问题如下 Ingerðria Greslö is aiser with investment management companyanfocuses on asset allocation for the company’s high-net-worth investors. Sheprepares for a meeting with Maarten Pua new client who recently inheritea$10 million portfolio solely comprising public equities.Greslö meets withPua anproposes thshe create a multi-asset portfolio selling a portionof his equity holngs aninvesting the procee in another asset class.Greslö aises Pua thhis investment objective shoulto seleassetclass thha high potentito fulfill two functionroles: riskversification ancapitgrowth. Greslö suggests the following three assetclasses: · Public reestate· Private reassets (timber)· Equity long/short hee funterminethe most appropriate equity-relatehee funstrategy thShain shoulmploy. Justify your response. private reasset需要比较大的初始投入吧,Pull一共就继承了10个million的财产,整体资金还是比较一般的,所以投public的更好一些?

2023-07-30 19:03 1 · 回答