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aljy · 2024年07月14日

I(B) Example 8

Example 8 (Gifts and Entertainment from Client)

Green manages the portfolio of Knowlden, a client of Tisbury Investments. Green achieves an annual return for Knowlden that is consistently better than that of the benchmark she and the client previously agreed to. As a reward, Knowlden offers Green two tickets to Wimbledon and the use of Knowlden’s flat in London for a week. Green discloses this gift to her supervisor at Tisbury.

Comment: Green is in compliance with Standard I(B) because she disclosed the gift from one of her clients. Members and candidates may accept bonuses or gifts from clients as long as they disclose them to their employer because gifts in a client relationship are deemed less likely to affect a member’s or candidate’s objectivity and independence than gifts in other situations. Disclosure is required, however, so that supervisors can monitor such situations to guard against employees favoring a gift-giving client to the detriment of other fee-paying clients (such as by allocating a greater proportion of IPO stock to the gift-giving client’s portfolio).

请问这道题和example 7 里的解释为什么不同——7说应该披露给雇主和客户,8说披露给雇主就行了?


2 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年07月16日

老师,准则规定必须向谁披露呢? 例7里不也是接受了客户的奖励吗?(客户是New York–based brokerage house)

Example 7 这个不是客户,这是broker


aljy · 2024年08月31日

老师,追问一下example 8……为什么8里面Theresa Green不必向她的其它客户披露收礼?我理解TG要向雇主披露。

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年07月14日

而在Example 8中,Green接受的是来自客户的奖励(门票和住宿),她选择向她的雇主Tisbury披露了这个情况。这里的重点在于,披露的目的是为了让雇主能够监督这种情况,防止员工因为接受了某个客户的礼物而偏袒该客户,从而损害其他付费客户的利益。总的来说,应该披露给谁取决于具体的情境和涉及的利益方。在任何情况下,如果员工接受了可能影响其客观性和独立性的礼物或奖励,他们都应该向雇主披露这一情况。在某些情况下,可能还需要向客户或其他相关方披露,以确保透明度和公正性。最重要的是要遵循职业道德和准则,以及雇主的具体政策和要求。

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