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SHAO · 2024年07月13日




Gillette makes the following comments to Bianchi: “My belief is that, over the next year, Raffarin’s share price will appreciate toward the conversion price but not exceed it.”

Exhibit 4. Selected Data for RI Convertible Bond

Based on Exhibit 4 and Gillette’s forecast regarding Raffarin’s share price, the return on the RI bond over the next year is most likely to be:



lower than the return on Raffarin’s common shares.


the same as the return on Raffarin’s common shares.


higher than the return on Raffarin’s common shares.


Correct Answer: A

Over the next year, Gillette believes that Raffarin’s share price will continue to increase towards the conversion price but not exceed it. If Gillette’s forecast becomes true, the return on the RI bond will increase but at a lower rate than the increase in Raffarin’s share price because the conversion price is not expected to be reached.


1 个答案

品职答疑小助手雍 · 2024年07月14日



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NO.PZ2023040701000086 问题如下 Gillette makes the following comments to Bianchi: “My belief is that, over the next year, Raffarin’s share priwill appreciate towarthe conversion pribut not exceeit.”Exhibit 4. Selecteata for RI Convertible Bonasen Exhibit 4 anGillette’s forecast regarng Raffarin’s share price, thereturn on the RI bonover the next yeis most likely to be: A.lower ththe return on Raffarin’s common shares. B.the same the return on Raffarin’s common shares. C.higher ththe return on Raffarin’s common shares. CorreAnswer: AOver the next year, Gillette believes thRaffarin’s share priwill continue to increase towar the conversion pribut not exceeit. If Gillette’s forecast becomes true, the return on the RI bonwill increase but a lower rate ththe increase in Raffarin’s share pribecause the conversion priis not expecteto reache 为什么债券收益小于股票收益

2024-03-23 10:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023040701000086问题如下 Gillette makes the following comments to Bianchi: “My belief is that, over the next year, Raffarin’s share priwill appreciate towarthe conversion pribut not exceeit.”Exhibit 4. Selecteata for RI Convertible Bonasen Exhibit 4 anGillette’s forecast regarng Raffarin’s share price, thereturn on the RI bonover the next yeis most likely to be: A.lower ththe return on Raffarin’s common shares.B.the same the return on Raffarin’s common shares.C.higher ththe return on Raffarin’s common shares. CorreAnswer: AOver the next year, Gillette believes thRaffarin’s share priwill continue to increase towar the conversion pribut not exceeit. If Gillette’s forecast becomes true, the return on the RI bonwill increase but a lower rate ththe increase in Raffarin’s share pribecause the conversion priis not expecteto reache 怎么比较债券收益和股票收益的大小?股价在持续上涨,说明股票收益在变大,股价没有超过转换价格,也就是不会把债券转换成股票,那债券有什么收益?coupon的收益?

2023-10-02 11:21 1 · 回答