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Olivia.W🌸 · 2024年07月05日

题目意思是选free trade的不好的一面?



Question Which of the following arguments is against free trade


A.it can exacerbate income inequality.

it amplifies the mean production costs for goods and services.


it hinders foreign research and development in an economy.


  1. Correct. Detractors of open trade emphasize the likelihood of heightened income disparities and the potential job displacement in developed nations due to intensified import competition.
  2. Incorrect. With open trade, firms often reap the benefits of broader economies of scale, leading to a decrease in the average cost of production by tapping into expansive markets.
  3. Incorrect. Embracing trade can pave the way for a richer exchange of knowledge, a more fluid interchange of technical proficiency, and a keen sense of evolving consumer predilections in worldwide markets. It can also inspire the establishment of robust, high-quality institutions and strategies that invigorate domestic innovation. Studies, like the one by Coe and Helpman in 1995, indicate the advantageous influence of international research and development (R&D) on a nation's productivity, an effect that amplifies when a nation becomes more receptive to international trade.
International Trade




题目意思是选free trade的不好的一面?

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2024年07月06日


题目意思是选free trade的不好的一面?


我们看题目问题:Question Which of the following arguments is against free trade




  • 1

  • 0

  • 95


NO.PZ2023071902000091问题如下 Question Whiof the following arguments is against free tra A.it cexacerbate income inequality. B.it amplifies the meproction costs for goo anservices.C.it hinrs foreign researanvelopment in economy. SolutionCorrect. tractors of open tra emphasize the likelihooof heighteneincome sparities anthe potentijob splacement in velopenations e to intensifieimport competition. Incorrect. With open tra, firms often rethe benefits of broar economies of scale, leang to a crease in the average cost of proction tapping into expansive markets.Incorrect. Embracing tra cpave the wfor a richer exchange of knowlee, a more fluiinterchange of technicproficiency, ana keen sense of evolving consumer prelections in worli markets. It calso inspire the establishment of robust, high-quality institutions anstrategies thinvigorate mestic innovation. Stues, like the one Coe anHelpmin 1995, incate the aantageous influenof internationresearanvelopment (R on a nation's proctivity, effethamplifies when a nation becomes more receptive to internationtra.InternationTra•正确,开放贸易的批评者强调,由于进口竞争加剧,发达国家的收入差距可能会加剧,工作岗位可能会流失。B不正确,通过开放贸易,企业往往会从更广泛的规模经济中获益,通过开拓广阔的市场来降低平均生产成本。C不正确,接受贸易可以为更丰富的知识交流、更流畅的技术熟练度交流以及对全球市场中不断变化的消费者偏好的敏锐感知铺平道路。它还可以激励建立强有力的、高质量的机构和战略,振兴国内创新。Coe和Helpman在1995年的研究表明,国际研发对一个国家生产力的有利影响,当一个国家变得更容易接受国际贸易时,这种影响就会放大。 老师,请问c不是指阻碍吗,感觉c也表达错误..

2024-08-25 14:48 1 · 回答


2024-08-13 18:06 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2023071902000091 问题如下 Question Whiof the following arguments is against free tra A.it cexacerbate income inequality. B.it amplifies the meproction costs for goo anservices. C.it hinrs foreign researanvelopment in economy. SolutionCorrect. tractors of open tra emphasize the likelihooof heighteneincome sparities anthe potentijob splacement in velopenations e to intensifieimport competition.Incorrect. With open tra, firms often rethe benefits of broar economies of scale, leang to a crease in the average cost of proction tapping into expansive markets.Incorrect. Embracing tra cpave the wfor a richer exchange of knowlee, a more fluiinterchange of technicproficiency, ana keen sense of evolving consumer prelections in worli markets. It calso inspire the establishment of robust, high-quality institutions anstrategies thinvigorate mestic innovation. Stues, like the one Coe anHelpmin 1995, incate the aantageous influenof internationresearanvelopment (R on a nation's proctivity, effethamplifies when a nation becomes more receptive to internationtra.InternationTra• 为什选A,不知道对应讲义哪个知识点。

2024-04-05 10:37 1 · 回答