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Kate · 2024年06月18日




Tom and his wife discussed retirement income goals and amounts with their investment advisor Johnson. They hope to maintain their current living standards after retirement and emphasize the importance of having confidence in achieving income goals for the rest of their lives.

According to Tom Tong's description of his retirement income goal, which of the following is the best method to analyze this goal?



Annuity pricing


Mortality tables


Monte Carlo simulation


A is correct. Tom emphasized the importance of achieving the lifetime income goal of maintaining an inflation-adjusted current standard of living throughout retirement. Analyzing the pricing of joint lifetime annuity to ensure this goal is the best way to achieve it. A joint life annuity provide a series of guaranteed fixed payments, which can be exchanged for a one-time payment as long as any of them are still alive.

B is not correct. The mortality table shows a person's life expectancy at any specific age. One potential issue with using mortality tables as the only method to analyze Benetton's retirement goals is the probability that one or both of them will exceed the life expectancy of the general population. Therefore, they run the risk of outliving their assets and may need to reduce their annual income (spending) goal at some point.

C is incorrect. Monte Carlo simulation analyzed the likelihood of a client's actual investment portfolio meeting their anticipated retirement needs. Although Monte Carlo's output will include the probability of achieving Tom's goals, it cannot guarantee that their goals will be achieved, nor would it necessarily measure the “shortfall magnitude” to achieving their goal. Therefore, they run the risk of outliving their assets and may need to reduce their annual income (spending) goal at some point.




这是我的推理 -

  • Mortality table: when the client is worried about not dying unexpectedly.
  • Annuity: when the client wants to make sure a goal is met.
  • monte Carlo: when the client wants to know the situation under different situations such as tax policy change or sudden inheritance
1 个答案

王暄_品职助教 · 2024年06月19日

Annuity Pricing

  1. 终身收入保障:当客户希望确保终身有稳定的收入来源时,年金定价是一个有效的分析方法。特别是对于那些强调在退休后维持特定生活水平,并希望这种生活水平能得到长期保障的人来说,年金产品提供了一个可靠的解决方案。
  2. 风险规避:对于风险承受能力较低,不希望承担投资市场波动的客户,年金可以提供固定的收益,帮助客户规避市场风险。

Mortality Tables

  1. 寿险产品定价:保险公司经常使用死亡率表来评估风险和定价寿险产品。这些表格提供了关于不同年龄和性别的人群死亡概率的数据。
  2. 遗产规划:在规划遗产和财富传承时,了解个人的预期寿命有助于更准确地预测遗产分配的时间和方式。
  3. 风险评估:在财务规划中,死亡率表可用于评估客户长寿风险,即客户可能活过预期寿命,从而导致退休资金不足的风险。

Monte Carlo Simulation

  1. 复杂投资组合分析:当客户拥有多元化的投资组合,并希望了解这些投资组合在不同市场环境下的表现时,蒙特卡洛模拟是一种有效的工具。它可以通过模拟多种可能的市场情景来评估投资组合的风险和回报。
  2. 概率分析:蒙特卡洛模拟能够提供达到特定财务目标的概率,例如退休资金的充足性,或者子女教育基金的积累等。
  3. 风险管理:通过模拟,可以帮助客户识别和管理潜在的投资风险,包括市场风险、信用风险等,并制定相应的风险应对策略。

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NO.PZ2021090805000018 问题如下 Tom anhis wife scusseretirement income goals anamounts with their investment aisor Johnson. They hope to maintain their current living stanr after retirement anemphasize the importanof having confinin achieving income goals for the rest of their lives.Accorng to Tom Tong's scription of his retirement income goal, whiof the following is the best methoto analyze this goal? A.Annuity pricing B.Mortality tables C.Monte Carlo simulation A is correct. Tom emphasizethe importanof achieving the lifetime income goof maintaining inflation-austecurrent stanrof living throughout retirement. Analyzing the pricing of joint lifetime annuity to ensure this gois the best wto achieve it. A joint life annuity provi a series of guaranteefixepayments, whicexchangefor a one-time payment long any of them are still alive.B is not correct. The mortality table shows a person's life expectanany specific age. One potentiissue with using mortality tables the only methoto analyze Benetton's retirement goals is the probability thone or both of them will exceethe life expectanof the generpopulation. Therefore, they run the risk of outliving their assets anmneeto retheir annuincome (spenng) gosome point.C is incorrect. Monte Carlo simulation analyzethe likelihooof a client's actuinvestment portfolio meeting their anticipateretirement nee. Although Monte Carlo's output will inclu the probability of achieving Tom's goals, it cannot guarantee ththeir goals will achieve nor woulit necessarily measure the “shortfall magnitu” to achieving their goal. Therefore, they run the risk of outliving their assets anmneeto retheir annuincome (spenng) gosome point.A是正确的。Tom强调了实现终身收入目标的重要性,即在整个退休期间保持经通胀调整的当前生活水平。通过对联合终身年金进行定价来分析这一目标是确保实现这一目标的最佳方法。联合终身年金提供了一系列有保证的固定支付,只要他们中的任何一个还活着,就可以换取一次性付款。B不正确。死亡率表显示了一个人在任何特定年龄的预期寿命。将使用死亡率表作为分析贝纳通退休目标的唯一方法会有一个潜在问题,他们中的一个或两个的年龄超过普通人群预期寿命的概率。因此,他们面临着超过资产寿命的风险,可能需要在某个时候降低年收入(支出)目标。C不正确。蒙特卡洛模拟分析了客户实际投资组合满足预期退休需求的可能性。尽管蒙特卡洛的产出将包括实现Tom目标的概率,但它不能保证他们的目标得到实现,也不一定能衡量实现目标的“缺口大小”。因此,他们面临着超过资产寿命的风险,可能需要在某个时候降低年收入(支出)目标。 蒙特卡洛模拟的作用是得到一个分布。而题目希望的是知道客户将来还需要多少钱来实现目标。所有不能选蒙特卡洛模拟。这么理解对吗?

2024-06-11 13:36 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021090805000018 问题如下 Tom anhis wife scusseretirement income goals anamounts with their investment aisor Johnson. They hope to maintain their current living stanr after retirement anemphasize the importanof having confinin achieving income goals for the rest of their lives.Accorng to Tom Tong's scription of his retirement income goal, whiof the following is the best methoto analyze this goal? A.Annuity pricing B.Mortality tables C.Monte Carlo simulation A is correct. Tom emphasizethe importanof achieving the lifetime income goof maintaining inflation-austecurrent stanrof living throughout retirement. Analyzing the pricing of joint lifetime annuity to ensure this gois the best wto achieve it. A joint life annuity provi a series of guaranteefixepayments, whicexchangefor a one-time payment long any of them are still alive.B is not correct. The mortality table shows a person's life expectanany specific age. One potentiissue with using mortality tables the only methoto analyze Benetton's retirement goals is the probability thone or both of them will exceethe life expectanof the generpopulation. Therefore, they run the risk of outliving their assets anmneeto retheir annuincome (spenng) gosome point.C is incorrect. Monte Carlo simulation analyzethe likelihooof a client's actuinvestment portfolio meeting their anticipateretirement nee. Although Monte Carlo's output will inclu the probability of achieving Tom's goals, it cannot guarantee ththeir goals will achieve nor woulit necessarily measure the “shortfall magnitu” to achieving their goal. Therefore, they run the risk of outliving their assets anmneeto retheir annuincome (spenng) gosome point.A是正确的。Tom强调了实现终身收入目标的重要性,即在整个退休期间保持经通胀调整的当前生活水平。通过对联合终身年金进行定价来分析这一目标是确保实现这一目标的最佳方法。联合终身年金提供了一系列有保证的固定支付,只要他们中的任何一个还活着,就可以换取一次性付款。B不正确。死亡率表显示了一个人在任何特定年龄的预期寿命。将使用死亡率表作为分析贝纳通退休目标的唯一方法会有一个潜在问题,他们中的一个或两个的年龄超过普通人群预期寿命的概率。因此,他们面临着超过资产寿命的风险,可能需要在某个时候降低年收入(支出)目标。C不正确。蒙特卡洛模拟分析了客户实际投资组合满足预期退休需求的可能性。尽管蒙特卡洛的产出将包括实现Tom目标的概率,但它不能保证他们的目标得到实现,也不一定能衡量实现目标的“缺口大小”。因此,他们面临着超过资产寿命的风险,可能需要在某个时候降低年收入(支出)目标。 如题

2024-04-06 15:45 1 · 回答