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luojy · 2024年06月04日


* 问题详情,请 查看题干



With regard to the strategy for Company A that Fillizola recommends, she is least likely correct regarding:



the expectation of volatility of the underlying.


the effective sale price if share prices move lower, to $130.


the effective sale price if share prices trend higher than $140.



A is correct. Fillizola is incorrect regarding the expectation of volatility of the underlying compared with the implied volatility of 21.05%. The recommended strategy, a covered call, is appropriate if the expectation is that volatility of the underlying will be lower than the implied volatility of 21.05%. Fillizola is correct about the effective sale price if the stock is above $140. The stock gets called away at $140, and the effective sale price is $140 + $5.40 = $145.40. If the share price is $130, the client will sell at $130 and her effective sale price is $130 + $5.40 = $135.40.

B is incorrect. Fillizola is correct about the effective sale price. If the share price is $130, the client will sell at $130 and her effective sale price is $130 + $5.40 = $135.40.

C is incorrect. Fillizola is correct about the effective sale price if the stock is above $140. The stock gets called away at $140, and the effective sale price is $140 + $5.40 = $145.40.


本题考察的是covered call



由于该客户本身持有股票,如果再short call,那么构成了covered call策略。因为期权与隐含波动率成正相关关系,short option在这里short call,意味着是看跌波动率的,即预测市场是平稳的,所以表述中关于波动率的表述(预测股价波动率将会高于21.05%)是错误的,选A

当股价高于140美元时,long call的一方会行权,那么我们需要将手里的股票按照140美元的价格卖给对手方,但是一开始卖出call option获得期权费是5.4美元,因此有效的卖出价格是145.4美元,C选项正确;

如果股价是130美元,那么long call的一方不会行权,如果我们要卖出股票的话,只能按照130美元卖出,但是short call获得了5.4美元的期权费,因此有效的卖出价格是135.4美元。B选项正确。


1.现在我手上有股票,然后建议加上一个short call。

此时,"strategy"指的是short call, 还是(stock+short call)这个整体?

此时,"position"指的是short call, 还是(stock+short call)这个整体?

根据解析,我初步判断"strategy"和"position" 指的都是(stock+short call)这个整体,也就是covered call, 不知道我理解的对不对?

2.如果expected volatility>implied volatility, 说明未来波动率会上升对吗?

这种情况下,就是应该long option才能赚钱对吧?

1 个答案

pzqa31 · 2024年06月06日


1.现在我手上有股票,然后建议加上一个short call。

此时,"strategy"指的是short call, 还是(stock+short call)这个整体?

此时,"position"指的是short call, 还是(stock+short call)这个整体?

根据解析,我初步判断"strategy"和"position" 指的都是(stock+short call)这个整体,也就是covered call, 不知道我理解的对不对?

---strategy我认为是这样,因为这里问的是策略,所以最后回答的一般是咱们学过的一个专门的策略(一个固定专有名词),比如covered call, protective put, collar, risk reversal。至于带不带现货,取决于这个策略带不带现货,比如collar是带现货的,risk reversal是不带现货的,所以这个要具体问题具体分析。


2.如果expected volatility>implied volatility, 说明未来波动率会上升对吗?

这种情况下,就是应该long option才能赚钱对吧?

---未来波动率变化,看的是未来的预期波动率和现有波动率的比较,implied volatility是现有市场价格反推出来的波动率,因为价格本身就包含了市场对未来的预期,所以可以反映未来的波动率。


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NO.PZ202208100100000702 问题如下 With regarto the strategy for Company A thFillizola recommen, she is least likely correregarng: A.the expectation of volatility of the unrlying. B.the effective sale priif share prices move lower, to $130. C.the effective sale priif share prices trenhigher th$140. SolutionA is correct. Fillizola is incorreregarng the expectation of volatility of the unrlying comparewith the implievolatility of 21.05%. The recommenstrategy, a coverecall, is appropriate if the expectation is thvolatility of the unrlying will lower ththe implievolatility of 21.05%. Fillizola is correabout the effective sale priif the stois above $140. The stogets calleaw$140, anthe effective sale priis $140 + $5.40 = $145.40. If the share priis $130, the client will sell $130 anher effective sale priis $130 + $5.40 = $135.40.B is incorrect. Fillizola is correabout the effective sale price. If the share priis $130, the client will sell $130 anher effective sale priis $130 + $5.40 = $135.40.C is incorrect. Fillizola is correabout the effective sale priif the stois above $140. The stogets calleaw$140, anthe effective sale priis $140 + $5.40 = $145.40. 中文解析本题考察的是coverecall。题干大意一个客户拥有2000股公司A的股票,该股票不支付股息,目前定价为139.81美元。但是客户被禁止出售该股票。客户预计股价在未来几个月保持稳定,虽然不能出售,但仍希望获得一些收入。因此Fillizola建议客户卖出20份的到期时间在2020年二月份的看涨期权,这个看涨期权的执行价格是140美元,期权费是5.4美元,隐含波动率是21.05%。由于该客户本身持有股票,如果再short call,那么构成了coverecall策略。因为期权与隐含波动率成正相关关系,short option在这里short call,意味着是看跌波动率的,即预测市场是平稳的,所以表述中关于波动率的表述(预测股价波动率将会高于21.05%)是错误的,选A。当股价高于140美元时,long call的一方会行权,那么我们需要将手里的股票按照140美元的价格卖给对手方,但是一开始卖出call option获得期权费是5.4美元,因此有效的卖出价格是145.4美元,C正确;如果股价是130美元,那么long call的一方不会行权,如果我们要卖出股票的话,只能按照130美元卖出,但是short call获得了5.4美元的期权费,因此有效的卖出价格是135.4美元。B正确。 能不能一下这里的考点以及相关的讲义

2024-07-19 11:39 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208100100000702 问题如下 With regarto the strategy for Company A thFillizola recommen, she is least likely correregarng: A.the expectation of volatility of the unrlying. B.the effective sale priif share prices move lower, to $130. C.the effective sale priif share prices trenhigher th$140. SolutionA is correct. Fillizola is incorreregarng the expectation of volatility of the unrlying comparewith the implievolatility of 21.05%. The recommenstrategy, a coverecall, is appropriate if the expectation is thvolatility of the unrlying will lower ththe implievolatility of 21.05%. Fillizola is correabout the effective sale priif the stois above $140. The stogets calleaw$140, anthe effective sale priis $140 + $5.40 = $145.40. If the share priis $130, the client will sell $130 anher effective sale priis $130 + $5.40 = $135.40.B is incorrect. Fillizola is correabout the effective sale price. If the share priis $130, the client will sell $130 anher effective sale priis $130 + $5.40 = $135.40.C is incorrect. Fillizola is correabout the effective sale priif the stois above $140. The stogets calleaw$140, anthe effective sale priis $140 + $5.40 = $145.40. 中文解析本题考察的是coverecall。题干大意一个客户拥有2000股公司A的股票,该股票不支付股息,目前定价为139.81美元。但是客户被禁止出售该股票。客户预计股价在未来几个月保持稳定,虽然不能出售,但仍希望获得一些收入。因此Fillizola建议客户卖出20份的到期时间在2020年二月份的看涨期权,这个看涨期权的执行价格是140美元,期权费是5.4美元,隐含波动率是21.05%。由于该客户本身持有股票,如果再short call,那么构成了coverecall策略。因为期权与隐含波动率成正相关关系,short option在这里short call,意味着是看跌波动率的,即预测市场是平稳的,所以表述中关于波动率的表述(预测股价波动率将会高于21.05%)是错误的,选A。当股价高于140美元时,long call的一方会行权,那么我们需要将手里的股票按照140美元的价格卖给对手方,但是一开始卖出call option获得期权费是5.4美元,因此有效的卖出价格是145.4美元,C正确;如果股价是130美元,那么long call的一方不会行权,如果我们要卖出股票的话,只能按照130美元卖出,但是short call获得了5.4美元的期权费,因此有效的卖出价格是135.4美元。B正确。 A is correct. Fillizola is incorreregarng the expectation of volatility of the unrlying comparewith the implievolatility of 21.05%. The recommenstrategy, a coverecall, is appropriate if the expectation is thvolatility of the unrlying will lower ththe implievolatility of 21.05%.文章前后都没出现高于或者低于21.05%,也不知道21.05%是怎么算的,对解题思路有点摸不透

2024-02-01 20:53 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208100100000702 问题如下 With regarto the strategy for Company A thFillizola recommen, she is least likely correregarng: A.the expectation of volatility of the unrlying. B.the effective sale priif share prices move lower, to $130. C.the effective sale priif share prices trenhigher th$140. SolutionA is correct. Fillizola is incorreregarng the expectation of volatility of the unrlying comparewith the implievolatility of 21.05%. The recommenstrategy, a coverecall, is appropriate if the expectation is thvolatility of the unrlying will lower ththe implievolatility of 21.05%. Fillizola is correabout the effective sale priif the stois above $140. The stogets calleaw$140, anthe effective sale priis $140 + $5.40 = $145.40. If the share priis $130, the client will sell $130 anher effective sale priis $130 + $5.40 = $135.40.B is incorrect. Fillizola is correabout the effective sale price. If the share priis $130, the client will sell $130 anher effective sale priis $130 + $5.40 = $135.40.C is incorrect. Fillizola is correabout the effective sale priif the stois above $140. The stogets calleaw$140, anthe effective sale priis $140 + $5.40 = $145.40. 中文解析本题考察的是coverecall。题干大意一个客户拥有2000股公司A的股票,该股票不支付股息,目前定价为139.81美元。但是客户被禁止出售该股票。客户预计股价在未来几个月保持稳定,虽然不能出售,但仍希望获得一些收入。因此Fillizola建议客户卖出20份的到期时间在2020年二月份的看涨期权,这个看涨期权的执行价格是140美元,期权费是5.4美元,隐含波动率是21.05%。由于该客户本身持有股票,如果再short call,那么构成了coverecall策略。因为期权与隐含波动率成正相关关系,short option在这里short call,意味着是看跌波动率的,即预测市场是平稳的,所以表述中关于波动率的表述(预测股价波动率将会高于21.05%)是错误的,选A。当股价高于140美元时,long call的一方会行权,那么我们需要将手里的股票按照140美元的价格卖给对手方,但是一开始卖出call option获得期权费是5.4美元,因此有效的卖出价格是145.4美元,C正确;如果股价是130美元,那么long call的一方不会行权,如果我们要卖出股票的话,只能按照130美元卖出,但是short call获得了5.4美元的期权费,因此有效的卖出价格是135.4美元。B正确。 老师,没看懂这题。题目不是说客户不想卖股票,只想赚一点期权费吗?although not wishing to sell, still wants to generate some income. 如果股价是130美元,那么long call的一方不会行权,然后short call获得了5.4美元的期权费,这不就达到了客户的目的? 为什么还要计算它的有效卖出价格135.4美元?effective sale price指的是卖出股票获得的总现金流入?

2023-02-13 22:09 1 · 回答