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世纪之龙5 · 2024年03月15日




During the 2007-2009 global financial crisis, traders and risk managers used copula to model correlations, but the models and the economy actually differed greatly, which also led to incorrect estimates of structured product risks , Which of the following statements is the least likely to explain the failure of the copula model during the financial crisis?



During the financial crisis, correlations for senior tranches of CDOs stays constant.


The copula correlation model was calibrated using data from low-risk time periods..


During the financial crisis, correlations for both equity and mezzanine tranches of CDOs increased.


The copula correlation model assumes that the CDO equity tranche and senior tranche are negatively correlated.


A is correct.

考点:copula function



2 个答案

pzqa27 · 2024年03月18日


这里负相关指的是CDO的底层equity部分和优先级部分的价值是负相关的。在经济较好的情况下,senior部分的现金流和普通的固定利息债券差不多,投资人倾向于购买风险较高收益也高的equity tranche,资金从senior部分转移到equity部分。


pzqa27 · 2024年03月15日


题目问的是最不可能解释失败的,也就是让我们选一个没法解释失败的选项。而金融危机时,整个环境都在恶化,各个senior层内的违约情况也都在增高,senior层之间的correlation也在上升。因此D是可以解释copula model为社么失败的,所以不选D。


世纪之龙5 · 2024年03月16日


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NO.PZ2020033001000042问题如下 ring the 2007-2009 globfinancicrisis, trars anrisk managers usecopula to mol correlations, but the mols anthe economy actually fferegreatly, whialso leto incorreestimates of structureprorisks , Whiof the following statements is the least likely to explain the failure of the copula mol ring the financicrisis? A.ring the financicrisis, correlations for senior tranches of Cs stays constant.B.The copula correlation mol wcalibrateusing ta from low-risk time perio..C.ring the financicrisis, correlations for both equity anmezzanine tranches of Cs increaseThe copula correlation mol assumes ththe C equity tranche ansenior tranche are negatively correlate A is correct.考点copula function解析金融危机时,整个环境都在恶化,各个senior层内的违约情况也都在增高,senior层之间的correlation也在上升。 请问题目需要怎样解答,AC都不对,为什么只选A?

2023-08-04 03:12 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000042问题如下 ring the 2007-2009 globfinancicrisis, trars anrisk managers usecopula to mol correlations, but the mols anthe economy actually fferegreatly, whialso leto incorreestimates of structureprorisks , Whiof the following statements is the least likely to explain the failure of the copula mol ring the financicrisis? A.ring the financicrisis, correlations for senior tranches of Cs stays constant.B.The copula correlation mol wcalibrateusing ta from low-risk time perio..C.ring the financicrisis, correlations for both equity anmezzanine tranches of Cs increaseThe copula correlation mol assumes ththe C equity tranche ansenior tranche are negatively correlate A is correct.考点copula function解析金融危机时,整个环境都在恶化,各个senior层内的违约情况也都在增高,senior层之间的correlation也在上升。 问题是最不可能失败的,A说是correlation维持constant,而危机下是会变动的,那A不就是有问题,所以会导致失败吗?为什么还要选A呢

2023-02-09 18:53 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2020033001000042问题如下 ring the 2007-2009 globfinancicrisis, trars anrisk managers usecopula to mol correlations, but the mols anthe economy actually fferegreatly, whialso leto incorreestimates of structureprorisks , Whiof the following statements is the least likely to explain the failure of the copula mol ring the financicrisis? A.ring the financicrisis, correlations for senior tranches of Cs stays constant.B.The copula correlation mol wcalibrateusing ta from low-risk time perio..C.ring the financicrisis, correlations for both equity anmezzanine tranches of Cs increaseThe copula correlation mol assumes ththe C equity tranche ansenior tranche are negatively correlate A is correct.考点copula function解析金融危机时,整个环境都在恶化,各个senior层内的违约情况也都在增高,senior层之间的correlation也在上升。 相当于正常情况下,equity和优先级是负相关的?这里的负相关是指什吗?我理解是正相关,只是相关性不那么强而已,所以可以用long short策略

2022-05-26 14:48 2 · 回答

老师好,一共有三个问题 1、这道题的C的意思,是不是指的是在financicrisis时,equity tranch和mezzanine tranch各自内部的相关系数增加?而不是指equity tranch和mezzanine tranch两个层级之间的相关系数变大? 2、另外,基础班讲义第102页和第104页标绿色的句子(下图),指的是equity tranch和mezzanine tranch两个层级之间的相关系数变小,而不是各自内部的相关系数变小? 3、还有就是基础班讲义里面的这个2005年的危机案例是个特例,一般情况下,危机时,相关系数是变大的,但是这个案例是变小?

2020-12-25 21:37 1 · 回答