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daiqiedison · 2018年06月19日

问一道题:NO.PZ201602270200001802 第2小题 [ CFA II ]

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老师,这题的解答我看不懂,为什么YTM直接看成是coupon rate了?公式完全没见过。

2 个答案

发亮_品职助教 · 2018年06月20日

发亮_品职助教 · 2018年06月20日

先求Exhibit 1这个三年期、coupon rate是3.0%,按年付息,par value=100债券的合理价值。


求债券现值就需要Spot rate。

但是注意Exhibit 2给的是Par rates。

所以我们需要用Par rates通过bootstrapping的方法求出来Spot rate。然后再用spot rate去折现。

这个Par rates其实就是一个付息债券的Coupon-rate,只不过这个Coupon rate很特殊会使得债券的现值等于其面值。

例如一年期的Par rate是1.25%,则代表这个1年期债券的Coupon rate=1.25%,所以用一年期spot rate折现这个债券,得到的价值等于去面值,所以就是:

这样可以反求出来一年期的Spot rate。当然这个肯定是1.25%,则第一年的spot rate等于第一年的par rate。

然后本题中2年期的par rate等于1.5%,它代表这个2年期的债券其Coupon rate等于1.5%的债券,用spot rate折现值后得到的现值是其面值;第一年的spot rate上面已经求出来了,所以未知数是第二年的spot rate:

这样就知道了第二年的Spot rate等于1.5019%。

同理,知道第三年的Par rate=1.70%,他代表这个三年期债券的coupon rate是1.7%,用spot rate折现,折现的现值是面值100:

同理S1,S2,我们在上面已经求出来了,只有一个未知数S3,求出来就是第三年的Spot rate。

这样,我们就有了三个Spot rate,再用spot rate去折现债券。

上面由par rate求Spot rate的过程就叫bootstrapping。这也是我们通常求Spot rate curve的方法。如果忘记了回看视频。

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NO.PZ201602270200001802 问题如下 2. Baseon Exhibits 1 an2, the exchange threflects the arbitrage-free priof the bonis: A.Eurex. B.Frankfurt. C.NYSE Euronext. C is correct.The bonfrom Exhibit 1 is selling for its calculatevalue on the NYSE Euronext exchange. The arbitrage-free value of a bonis the present value of its cash flows scountethe spot rate for zero coupon bon maturing on the same te eacash flow. The value of this bon 103.7815, is calculatefollows:Notes:1. Spot rates calculateusing bootstrapping; for example: Ye2 spot rate ( Z2 ): 100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/(1+Z2)2=0.015019 100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/{(1+Z_2)}^2=0.015019100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/(1+Z2​)2=0.0150192. Present value calculateusing the formula PV=FV/(1+r)n PV=FV/{(1+r)}^nPV=FV/(1+r)n,where n= number of years until cash flow, FV= cash flow amount, anr= spot rate.A is incorrebecause the prion the Eurex exchange, €103.7956, wcalculateusing the yielto maturity rate to scount the cash flows when the spot rates shoulhave been use C is incorrebecause the prion the Frankfurt exchange, €103.7565, uses the Ye3 spot rate to scount all the cash flows.考点Introction of Arbitrage Free Valuation债券的无套利价格是用spot rate对债券的现金流进行折现得到的。 Exhibit 2中给的是1,2,3年期的Prates,因此通过Bootstrapping的方式,由前向后推导出各个spot rate。已知1-yeprate等于1.25%,则1-yespot rate也等于1.25%第二年spot rate计算 100= 1.5/1.0125 + 101.5/(1+ Z2 )^2,所以Z2 =1.5019% 同理,我们可以计算出第三年的Spot rate:100= 1.7/1.0125 + 1.7/ (1.015019)^2 + 101.7/(1+ S3)^3,所以Z3 =1.7049%算得债券的价值为103.7815,所以NYSE Euronext这个交易所定价是合理的。 PMT=3FV=100I/Y=1.7%n=3

2024-07-22 22:18 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602270200001802 问题如下 2. Baseon Exhibits 1 an2, the exchange threflects the arbitrage-free priof the bonis: A.Eurex. B.Frankfurt. C.NYSE Euronext. C is correct.The bonfrom Exhibit 1 is selling for its calculatevalue on the NYSE Euronext exchange. The arbitrage-free value of a bonis the present value of its cash flows scountethe spot rate for zero coupon bon maturing on the same te eacash flow. The value of this bon 103.7815, is calculatefollows:Notes:1. Spot rates calculateusing bootstrapping; for example: Ye2 spot rate ( Z2 ): 100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/(1+Z2)2=0.015019 100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/{(1+Z_2)}^2=0.015019100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/(1+Z2​)2=0.0150192. Present value calculateusing the formula PV=FV/(1+r)n PV=FV/{(1+r)}^nPV=FV/(1+r)n,where n= number of years until cash flow, FV= cash flow amount, anr= spot rate.A is incorrebecause the prion the Eurex exchange, €103.7956, wcalculateusing the yielto maturity rate to scount the cash flows when the spot rates shoulhave been use C is incorrebecause the prion the Frankfurt exchange, €103.7565, uses the Ye3 spot rate to scount all the cash flows.考点Introction of Arbitrage Free Valuation债券的无套利价格是用spot rate对债券的现金流进行折现得到的。 Exhibit 2中给的是1,2,3年期的Prates,因此通过Bootstrapping的方式,由前向后推导出各个spot rate。已知1-yeprate等于1.25%,则1-yespot rate也等于1.25%第二年spot rate计算 100= 1.5/1.0125 + 101.5/(1+ Z2 )^2,所以Z2 =1.5019% 同理,我们可以计算出第三年的Spot rate:100= 1.7/1.0125 + 1.7/ (1.015019)^2 + 101.7/(1+ S3)^3,所以Z3 =1.7049%算得债券的价值为103.7815,所以NYSE Euronext这个交易所定价是合理的。 请问 根据YTM计算spot rate 是在哪里讲到的?

2024-06-16 09:40 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602270200001802 问题如下 2. Baseon Exhibits 1 an2, the exchange threflects the arbitrage-free priof the bonis: A.Eurex. B.Frankfurt. C.NYSE Euronext. C is correct.The bonfrom Exhibit 1 is selling for its calculatevalue on the NYSE Euronext exchange. The arbitrage-free value of a bonis the present value of its cash flows scountethe spot rate for zero coupon bon maturing on the same te eacash flow. The value of this bon 103.7815, is calculatefollows:Notes:1. Spot rates calculateusing bootstrapping; for example: Ye2 spot rate ( Z2 ): 100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/(1+Z2)2=0.015019 100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/{(1+Z_2)}^2=0.015019100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/(1+Z2​)2=0.0150192. Present value calculateusing the formula PV=FV/(1+r)n PV=FV/{(1+r)}^nPV=FV/(1+r)n,where n= number of years until cash flow, FV= cash flow amount, anr= spot rate.A is incorrebecause the prion the Eurex exchange, €103.7956, wcalculateusing the yielto maturity rate to scount the cash flows when the spot rates shoulhave been use C is incorrebecause the prion the Frankfurt exchange, €103.7565, uses the Ye3 spot rate to scount all the cash flows.考点Introction of Arbitrage Free Valuation债券的无套利价格是用spot rate对债券的现金流进行折现得到的。 Exhibit 2中给的是1,2,3年期的Prates,因此通过Bootstrapping的方式,由前向后推导出各个spot rate。已知1-yeprate等于1.25%,则1-yespot rate也等于1.25%第二年spot rate计算 100= 1.5/1.0125 + 101.5/(1+ Z2 )^2,所以Z2 =1.5019% 同理,我们可以计算出第三年的Spot rate:100= 1.7/1.0125 + 1.7/ (1.015019)^2 + 101.7/(1+ S3)^3,所以Z3 =1.7049%算得债券的价值为103.7815,所以NYSE Euronext这个交易所定价是合理的。 这题目问啥呢?‘Exhibit 4 presents most of the ta of the implievalues for a four-year, option-free, annupbonwith a 2.5% coupon baseon the information in Exhibit 3.。答案我也没看懂,怎么算的?

2023-02-19 18:38 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602270200001802 问题如下 2. Baseon Exhibits 1 an2, the exchange threflects the arbitrage-free priof the bonis: A.Eurex. B.Frankfurt. C.NYSE Euronext. C is correct.The bonfrom Exhibit 1 is selling for its calculatevalue on the NYSE Euronext exchange. The arbitrage-free value of a bonis the present value of its cash flows scountethe spot rate for zero coupon bon maturing on the same te eacash flow. The value of this bon 103.7815, is calculatefollows:Notes:1. Spot rates calculateusing bootstrapping; for example: Ye2 spot rate ( Z2 ): 100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/(1+Z2)2=0.015019 100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/{(1+Z_2)}^2=0.015019100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/(1+Z2​)2=0.0150192. Present value calculateusing the formula PV=FV/(1+r)n PV=FV/{(1+r)}^nPV=FV/(1+r)n,where n= number of years until cash flow, FV= cash flow amount, anr= spot rate.A is incorrebecause the prion the Eurex exchange, €103.7956, wcalculateusing the yielto maturity rate to scount the cash flows when the spot rates shoulhave been use C is incorrebecause the prion the Frankfurt exchange, €103.7565, uses the Ye3 spot rate to scount all the cash flows.考点Introction of Arbitrage Free Valuation债券的无套利价格是用spot rate对债券的现金流进行折现得到的。 Exhibit 2中给的是1,2,3年期的Prates,因此通过Bootstrapping的方式,由前向后推导出各个spot rate。已知1-yeprate等于1.25%,则1-yespot rate也等于1.25%第二年spot rate计算 100= 1.5/1.0125 + 101.5/(1+ Z2 )^2,所以Z2 =1.5019% 同理,我们可以计算出第三年的Spot rate:100= 1.7/1.0125 + 1.7/ (1.015019)^2 + 101.7/(1+ S3)^3,所以Z3 =1.7049%算得债券的价值为103.7815,所以NYSE Euronext这个交易所定价是合理的。 1.01253​ + 1.01523​ + 1.0173103​ =103.7956答案的计算方式我懂,我就是不懂为什么这里用的是spot rate,就是f(2,1)和f(3,1)?

2023-01-30 16:22 1 · 回答

NO.PZ201602270200001802 问题如下 2. Baseon Exhibits 1 an2, the exchange threflects the arbitrage-free priof the bonis: A.Eurex. B.Frankfurt. C.NYSE Euronext. C is correct.The bonfrom Exhibit 1 is selling for its calculatevalue on the NYSE Euronext exchange. The arbitrage-free value of a bonis the present value of its cash flows scountethe spot rate for zero coupon bon maturing on the same te eacash flow. The value of this bon 103.7815, is calculatefollows:Notes:1. Spot rates calculateusing bootstrapping; for example: Ye2 spot rate ( Z2 ): 100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/(1+Z2)2=0.015019 100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/{(1+Z_2)}^2=0.015019100=1.5/1.0125+101.5/(1+Z2​)2=0.0150192. Present value calculateusing the formula PV=FV/(1+r)n PV=FV/{(1+r)}^nPV=FV/(1+r)n,where n= number of years until cash flow, FV= cash flow amount, anr= spot rate.A is incorrebecause the prion the Eurex exchange, €103.7956, wcalculateusing the yielto maturity rate to scount the cash flows when the spot rates shoulhave been use C is incorrebecause the prion the Frankfurt exchange, €103.7565, uses the Ye3 spot rate to scount all the cash flows.考点Introction of Arbitrage Free Valuation债券的无套利价格是用spot rate对债券的现金流进行折现得到的。 Exhibit 2中给的是1,2,3年期的Prates,因此通过Bootstrapping的方式,由前向后推导出各个spot rate。已知1-yeprate等于1.25%,则1-yespot rate也等于1.25%第二年spot rate计算 100= 1.5/1.0125 + 101.5/(1+ Z2 )^2,所以Z2 =1.5019% 同理,我们可以计算出第三年的Spot rate:100= 1.7/1.0125 + 1.7/ (1.015019)^2 + 101.7/(1+ S3)^3,所以Z3 =1.7049%算得债券的价值为103.7815,所以NYSE Euronext这个交易所定价是合理的。 这个3,103是从哪来的呢?没找到。

2022-09-05 17:16 1 · 回答