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菜頭 · 2024年01月01日


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The risk- free rate is 2.0%, and the global market risk premium is 5.5%. Contrast, using the information provided above, the results of a reverse optimization approach with that of the MVO approach for each of the following:

ii. The values of the expected returns for US equities and global bonds.

Justify your response.



ii. The values of the expected returns for US equities and global bonds

For the reverse optimization approach, the expected returns of asset classes are the outputs of optimization with the market capitalization weights, covariances, and the risk aversion coefficient used as inputs.

In contrast, for the MVO approach, the expected returns of asset classes are inputs to the optimization, with the expected returns generally estimated using historical data.

The computed values for the expected returns for global bonds and US equities using the reverse optimization method are 5.3% and 9.7%, respectively.

In contrast, the expected return estimates used in the MVO approach from Exhibit 1 for global bonds and US equities are 4.7% and 8.6%, respectively.

The output of the reverse optimization method are optimized returns which are viewed as unobserved equilibrium or imputed returns. The equilibrium returns are essentially long- run capital market returns provided by each asset class and are strongly linked to CAPM. In contrast, the expected returns in the MVO approach are generally forecasted based on historical data and are used as inputs along with covariances and the risk aversion coefficient in the optimization. The reverse- optimized returns are calculated using a CAPM approach. The return on an asset class using the CAPM approach is calculated as follows:

Return on Asset Class = Risk- Free Rate + (Beta) (Market Risk Premium)

Therefore, the implied returns for global bonds and US equities are calculated as follows:

Return on Global Bonds = 2.0% + (0.6) (5.5%) = 5.3%

Return on US Equities = 2.0% + (1.4) (5.5%) = 9.7%

The implied equilibrium returns for global bonds and US equities are 5.3% and 9.7%, respectively. These implied returns are above the forecasted returns based on historical data (from Exhibit 1) used as inputs in the MVO approach for global bonds and US equities of 4.7% and 8.6%, respectively.

请问为什么算US equity和global bond的时候market risk premium都是用的5.5%?

2 个答案

lynn_品职助教 · 2024年01月03日


我主要疑惑的点在于,题目给的是global market risk premium,但是US equity的market risk premium也是用global 的吗?



lynn_品职助教 · 2024年01月02日


market risk premium每个资产都是一样的,market risk premium=market return-risk free rate。

这个知识点没有在这里提及,所以同学会觉得疑惑也是正常的,market risk premium是个很久远点知识点了,但是我一说同学就会记得,CAPM的公式,E(R)=Rf+beta*(Rm-Rf), market risk premium就是括号里的Rm-Rf。


菜頭 · 2024年01月02日

我主要疑惑的点在于,题目给的是global market risk premium,但是US equity的market risk premium也是用global 的吗?

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NO.PZ202212280100002702 问题如下 The risk- freerate is 2.0%, anthe globmarket risk premium is 5.5%. Contrast, using theinformation proviabove, the results of a reverse optimization approawiththof the MVO approafor eaof the following:ii. The valuesof the expectereturns for US equities anglobbon.Justifyyour response. ii. The valuesof the expectereturns for US equities anglobbon• For the reverse optimizationapproach, the expectereturns of asset classes are the outputs of optimizationwith the market capitalization weights, covariances, anthe risk aversioncoefficient useinputs. • In contrast, for the MVOapproach, the expectereturns of asset classes are inputs to the optimization,with the expectereturns generally estimateusing historict• The computevalues for theexpectereturns for globbon anUS equities using the reverseoptimization methoare 5.3% an9.7%, respectively. • In contrast, the expecteeturn estimates usein the MVO approafrom Exhibit 1 for globbonanUS equities are 4.7% an8.6%, respectively.The output ofthe reverse optimization methoare optimizereturns whiare vieweasunobserveequilibrium or imputereturns. The equilibrium returns areessentially long- run capitmarket returns provieaasset class anre strongly linketo CAPM. In contrast, the expectereturns in the MVOapproaare generally forecastebaseon historicta anare useasinputs along with covariances anthe risk aversion coefficient in theoptimization. The reverse- optimizereturns are calculateusing a CAPMapproach. The return on asset class using the CAPM approais calculateasfollows: Return onAsset Class = Risk- Free Rate + (Bet(Market Risk Premium) Therefore, theimpliereturns for globbon anUS equities are calculatefollows:Return onGlobBon = 2.0% + (0.6) (5.5%) = 5.3% Return on USEquities = 2.0% + (1.4) (5.5%) = 9.7% The impliequilibrium returns for globbon anUS equities are 5.3% an9.7%,respectively. These impliereturns are above the forecastereturns baseonhistoricta (from Exhibit 1) useinputs in the MVO approaforglobbon anUS equities of 4.7% an8.6%, respectively. 如题

2024-08-08 13:26 1 · 回答