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摇一摇 · 2023年08月08日

proceed from sale of stock是CFO,为什么这里计算用不上呢



Assume U.S. GAAP applies unless otherwise noted. An analyst gathered the following annual information ($ millions) about a company that pays no dividends and has no debt:

The company's annual free cash flow to equity ($ millions) is closest to:


A.53.1. B.58.4. C.61.6.


CFO = net income + depreciation + loss on sale of equipment + decrease in accounts receivable - increase in inventories + increase in accounts payable. (The loss on sale of equipment is added back when calculating CFO.)

It would have been deducted in the calculation of net income but the loss is not the cash impact of the transaction (the proceeds received, if any, would be the cash effect) and cash flows related to equipment transactions are investing activities, not operating activities.)

CFO = 45.8 + 18.2 + 1.6 + 4.2 – 5.4 + 4.5 = $68.9 million; so FCFE = $68.9 - $7.3 = $61.6 million.

proceed from sale of stock是CFO,为什么这里计算用不上呢

4 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年08月13日

同学你好,loss on sale of equipment是I/S表中的一项,而不是proceeds received from sale of equipment(也就是投资性现金流的一项)

具体会计处理上,如果一项资产carrying value和卖出获得的现金收入(proceeds received from sale of equipment)有差异,那这个差异就是公司的gain/loss,也就计入I/S表项目下,同时资产下的现金增加总共收到的现金收入,资产下的固定资产减去该项资产的carrying value


大瓶子 · 2023年08月13日

loss on the equipment, 这是资产减值 ,应该是在CFI里面吧, 为什么要放在CFO中计算呢。

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年08月08日

同学你好,trading securities和stock在现金流量表里的含义是完全不同的,前者是指交易性金融资产,是在CFO中特别列出的一项属于CFO项目的内容,但是后者stock一定是特指公司自己发行的股票或公司对外的投资


王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年08月08日

同学你好,proceed from sale of stock是指公司通过卖出股票获得的现金。如果公司是新发自己的股票来获得现金,那这个行为属于CFF融资性现金流;如果公司是将过往持有的股票卖出获得现金,那这个行为属于CFI也就是投资性现金流

无论何种情况 ,proceed from sale of stock都不可能是CFO哦

摇一摇 · 2023年08月08日

可是知识框架图上明确写了 在US GAAP下,sale proceeds from trading securities属于CFO