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Luhunlu · 2023年06月11日


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Which of the recent economic developments discussed by Birol and Pamuk is most likely to lead to a currency crisis?


A.The banking sector B.The exchange rate system C.The trend in terms of trade and monetary ratios



A is correct. Pamuk’s description of growth in the banking sector coupled with short-term funding denominated in foreign currency can lead to a currency crisis. Countries with fixed or partially fixed exchange rates are more susceptible. Broad measures of money such as M2 are likely to be rising (not falling) just prior to a crisis. The terms of trade are favorable for Daltonia.

B is incorrect. Countries with fixed or partially fixed exchange rates are more susceptible.

C is incorrect. Broad measures of money such as M2 are likely to be rising (not falling) just prior to a crisis.





“our banking sector has grown and strengthened substantially by offering foreign denominated savings accounts to foreign investors and lending those funds for domestic infrastructure investments.”是怎么引起currency crisis的呢?

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2023年06月12日






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NO.PZ202208160100000304 问题如下 Whiof the recent economic velopments scusseBirol anPamuk is most likely to leto a currencrisis? A.The banking sector B.The exchange rate system C.The trenin terms of tra anmonetary ratios SolutionA is correct. Pamuk’s scription of growth in the banking sector couplewith short-term funng nominatein foreign currencleto a currencrisis. Countries with fixeor partially fixeexchange rates are more susceptible. Bromeasures of money suM2 are likely to rising (not falling) just prior to a crisis. The terms of tra are favorable for ltonia.B is incorrect. Countries with fixeor partially fixeexchange rates are more susceptible.C is incorrect. Bromeasures of money suM2 are likely to rising (not falling) just prior to a crisis.中文解析A是正确的。帕慕克对银行业增长的描述,加上以外币计价的短期资金,可能导致货币危机。实行固定汇率或部分固定汇率的国家更容易受到影响。广义货币指标,如M2,很可能在危机爆发前上升(而不是下降)。交易条件对道尔顿尼亚很有利。B不正确。实行固定汇率或部分固定汇率的国家更容易受到影响。C是不正确的。广义货币指标,如M2,很可能在危机爆发前上升(而不是下降)。 我不太理解,哪里提了他是固定或者半固定,是不是看到ficit就可以想到portfolio 那sustainability这个和protfolio的区别点感觉protfolio更偏向资产配置,但是bt更关键赤字

2024-04-24 11:29 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208160100000304 问题如下 Whiof the recent economic velopments scusseBirol anPamuk is most likely to leto a currencrisis? A.The banking sector B.The exchange rate system C.The trenin terms of tra anmonetary ratios SolutionA is correct. Pamuk’s scription of growth in the banking sector couplewith short-term funng nominatein foreign currencleto a currencrisis. Countries with fixeor partially fixeexchange rates are more susceptible. Bromeasures of money suM2 are likely to rising (not falling) just prior to a crisis. The terms of tra are favorable for ltonia.B is incorrect. Countries with fixeor partially fixeexchange rates are more susceptible.C is incorrect. Bromeasures of money suM2 are likely to rising (not falling) just prior to a crisis. 还是不明白B为什么不对

2023-02-07 22:47 2 · 回答

NO.PZ202208160100000304 问题如下 Whiof the recent economic velopments scusseBirol anPamuk is most likely to leto a currencrisis? A.The banking sector B.The exchange rate system C.The trenin terms of tra anmonetary ratios SolutionA is correct. Pamuk’s scription of growth in the banking sector couplewith short-term funng nominatein foreign currencleto a currencrisis. Countries with fixeor partially fixeexchange rates are more susceptible. Bromeasures of money suM2 are likely to rising (not falling) just prior to a crisis. The terms of tra are favorable for ltonia.B is incorrect. Countries with fixeor partially fixeexchange rates are more susceptible.C is incorrect. Bromeasures of money suM2 are likely to rising (not falling) just prior to a crisis. 但是不明白为什么B是错的?

2022-11-13 08:40 1 · 回答