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小呀小田螺 · 2023年06月07日

如果题目不限制cognitive errors, 是不是这里也体现了endowment bias?



At their initial meeting, the advisor learns that Stoffer is a mid-level manager at a bank and has built an investment portfolio by accumulating savings, stock options, and restricted stock from her company. Stoffer believes she currently has a sufficient level of wealth to achieve her primary goal of maintaining her current lifestyle until her death.

In discussing her investment philosophy, Stoffer explains that she likes to keep separate investment accounts for her savings, stock options, and restricted stock. She has a distinct investment strategy for each account. In addition, Stoffer says that she always follows her father’s investment advice of “invest only in what you know.” Stoffer also believes that she is personally contributing to the performance of her bank’s stock price. Combined, these factors have led Stoffer to keep a large percentage of her total portfolio in her bank’s stock and options. The advisor tells Stoffer that this concentrated holding represents significant risk in achieving her primary goal. Stoffer refuses to consider the suggestion that she partially hedge the risk of her bank’s stock.

After evaluating Stoffer’s investment philosophy, the advisor is concerned that Stoffer is exhibiting some of the following cognitive biases:

  • endowment
  • conservatism
  • mental accounting
  • illusion of control
Identify two cognitive biases exhibited by Stoffer. Justify each response with one reason.



Endowment bias is an emotional bias in which people value an asset more when they hold the rights to it than when they do not. There is no evidence that Stoffer suffers from this bias. In addition, this is not a cognitive bias.

Conservatism bias is a belief perseverance bias in which people maintain their prior views or

forecasts by inadequately incorporating new information. There is no evidence that Stoffer suffers from this cognitive bias.

如果题目不限制cognitive errors, 是不是这里也体现了endowment bias?

看描述感觉和endowment bias也很相符,而且下面选项中也有endowment bias。是不是因为题中说是cognitive error所以才不能回答endowment bias呢?如果没有这个限制,是不是endowment bias也是对的?

1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2023年06月09日



案例背景中,并没有体现出 Stoffer 有 endowment bias,和题干的限制 cognitive errors 无关

即使没有限制,也不选 endowment bias 哈


如果这家银行是他爸开的,或者他持有的股份是他爸给他买的话,有可能是 endowment bias



因为 endowment bias,一般侧重于继承

请参考强化班讲义墨迹版 P24



  • 1

  • 0

  • 233


NO.PZ2023012803000001 问题如下 their initimeeting, the aisor learns thStoffer is a milevel manager a bank anhbuilt investment portfolio accumulating savings, stooptions, anrestrictestofrom her company. Stoffer believes she currently ha sufficient level of wealth to achieve her primary goof maintaining her current lifestyle until her ath. In scussing her investment philosophy, Stoffer explains thshe likes to keep separate investment accounts for her savings, stooptions, anrestrictestock. She ha stininvestment strategy for eaaccount. In aition, Stoffer says thshe always follows her father’s investment aiof “invest only in whyou know.” Stoffer also believes thshe is personally contributing to the performanof her bank’s stoprice. Combine these factors have leStoffer to keep a large percentage of her totportfolio in her bank’s stoanoptions. The aisor tells Stoffer ththis concentrateholng represents significant risk in achieving her primary goal. Stoffer refuses to consir the suggestion thshe partially hee the risk of her bank’s stock. After evaluating Stoffer’s investment philosophy, the aisor is concernethStoffer is exhibiting some of the following cognitive biases: enwment conservatism mentaccounting illusion of control Intify two cognitive biases exhibiteStoffer. Justify earesponse with one reason. Enwment biis emotionbiin whipeople value asset more when they holthe rights to it thwhen they not. There is no evinthStoffer suffers from this bias. In aition, this is not a cognitive bias.Conservatism biis a belief perseveranbiin whipeople maintain their prior views or forecasts inaquately incorporating new information. There is no evinthStoffer suffers from this cognitive bias. 以下是我的答案,老师帮忙看下会否过于复杂?因为之前看其他题的时候有说写作题需要写 结论+结果/原因+illusion of control:the investor believes they caffethe result of the company's performance, anholmore stothreasonable, whicoulresult in unr versifieportfolio, antake more risks. Stoffer also believes thshe is personally contributing to the performanof her bank’s stoprice. mentaccounting: the investors woularrange their investment baseon the sourof income, anthis woulbring unr versification to the portfolio. She ha stininvestment strategy for eaaccount.

2023-07-14 11:44 1 · 回答