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苏苏1124 · 2023年02月24日

不明白:公司实际支付的interest expense不会受到市场利率的影响



Fairmont Golf issued fixed rate debt when interest rates were 6 percent. Rates have since risen to 7 percent. Using only the carrying amount (based on historical cost) reported on the balance sheet to analyze the company’s financial position would most likely cause an analyst to:



overestimate Fairmont’s economic liabilities.


underestimate Fairmont’s economic liabilities.


underestimate Fairmont’s interest coverage ratio.


A is correct.

When interest rates rise, bonds decline in value. Thus, the carrying amount of the bonds being carried on the balance sheet is higher than the market value. The company could repurchase the bonds for less than the carrying amount, so the economic liabilities are overestimated. Because the bonds are issued at a fixed rate, there is no effect on interest coverage.




Interest coverage ratio=EBIT/interest expense,由于债券是固定利率债券,公司实际支付的interest expense不会受到市场利率的影响,因此interest coverage ratio不变,选项C不正确。

Interest coverage ratio=EBIT/interest expense,由于债券是固定利率债券,公司实际支付的interest expense不会受到市场利率的影响,因此interest coverage ratio不变。

上面这句话不明白,不是利息费用是按照carry value*市场利率吗?


苏苏1124 · 2023年02月26日

谢谢老师,这回听明白了。但是一般实际情况都不会这样对吧?一般情况还是按照讲义的那种方式 Carrying Value会改变,对吗?只是这道题给了这个假设。

3 个答案

王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年02月25日


同学,这里的interest expense就是I/S表上计入interest expense科目的内容

根据债券这一章的表述,那计入I/S表的interest expense就是carrying value*interest rate得到的值而非固定的coupon payment


应该这么理解,由于题目强调了“Using only the carrying amount (based on historical cost) reported on the balance sheet to analyze the company’s financial position ”,所以我们要计算interest expense=carrying amount * interest rate的时候,carrying amount就是固定不动的,无论是历史利率还是市场利率来计算interest expens都不考虑其会导致carrying amount 怎么变化



王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年02月26日


同学你好,实际情况是会计上记账,carrying value也只跟历史的market value有关,它的变动只是简单的因为溢价折价的摊销导致的,和市场利率没有关系的


王园圆_品职助教 · 2023年02月24日



在讲义这两处黄色框都强调了,在FSA这门课程中使用的market interest rate就是指的发行债券时候的历史市场利率——也就是后面市场利率的变化并不会影响公司计算interest expense,公司始终是以历史的market interest rate来计算债券的利息费用,最新的摊销额以及最新的carrying amount的


苏苏1124 · 2023年02月25日

我知道用历史的利率,但是Carry Value是变得呀?这里所说的公司实际支付的interest expense是指Coupon Payment吗?

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NO.PZ2016012101000198 问题如下 Fairmont Golf issuefixerate when interest rates were 6 percent. Rates have sinrisen to 7 percent. Using only the carrying amount (baseon historiccost) reporteon the balansheet to analyze the company’s financiposition woulmost likely cause analyst to: A.overestimate Fairmont’s economic liabilities. B.unrestimate Fairmont’s economic liabilities. C.unrestimate Fairmont’s interest coverage ratio. A is correct.When interest rates rise, bon cline in value. Thus, the carrying amount of the bon being carrieon the balansheet is higher ththe market value. The company coulrepurchase the bon for less ththe carrying amount, so the economic liabilities are overestimate Because the bon are issuea fixerate, there is no effeon interest coverage.解析公司发行了固定利率的公司债,发行时候的市场利率为6%。发行后市场利率上升到了7%。题目问,如果分析师仅基于债券的账面价值来分析公司的财务状况,会导致什么结果。账面价值是基于债券的历史成本入账的,也就是基于发行时候的市场利率6%来进行的会计处理。而实际上发行之后市场利率上升了,说明债券的市场价格下降了。AB两个都是在比较债券的账面价值和经济价值。相比其经济价值(实际的价值),账面价值是高估了。A正确,B不正确。Interest coverage ratio=EBIT/interest expense,由于债券是固定利率债券,公司实际支付的interest expense不会受到市场利率的影响,因此interest coverageratio不变,C不正确。 A和B,没看出来是相比于经济负债,实际的liability 高了。我看怎么就是说经济负债是高估了还是低估了。我是感觉经济负债是低估了。r 上涨,债券价格下跌;另,经济负债对应的是carry value 还是啥来的,记得讲义中有来的,但是找不到了

2023-03-05 14:11 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012101000198 问题如下 Fairmont Golf issuefixerate when interest rates were 6 percent. Rates have sinrisen to 7 percent. Using only the carrying amount (baseon historiccost) reporteon the balansheet to analyze the company’s financiposition woulmost likely cause analyst to: A.overestimate Fairmont’s economic liabilities. B.unrestimate Fairmont’s economic liabilities. C.unrestimate Fairmont’s interest coverage ratio. A is correct.When interest rates rise, bon cline in value. Thus, the carrying amount of the bon being carrieon the balansheet is higher ththe market value. The company coulrepurchase the bon for less ththe carrying amount, so the economic liabilities are overestimate Because the bon are issuea fixerate, there is no effeon interest coverage.解析公司发行了固定利率的公司债,发行时候的市场利率为6%。发行后市场利率上升到了7%。题目问,如果分析师仅基于债券的账面价值来分析公司的财务状况,会导致什么结果。账面价值是基于债券的历史成本入账的,也就是基于发行时候的市场利率6%来进行的会计处理。而实际上发行之后市场利率上升了,说明债券的市场价格下降了。AB两个都是在比较债券的账面价值和经济价值。相比其经济价值(实际的价值),账面价值是高估了。A正确,B不正确。Interest coverage ratio=EBIT/interest expense,由于债券是固定利率债券,公司实际支付的interest expense不会受到市场利率的影响,因此interest coverageratio不变,C不正确。 我一直没有理解,“实际上发行之后市场利率上升了,说明债券的市场价格下降了。”这句话。AB两个都是在比较债券的账面价值和经济价值。相比其经济价值(实际的价值),账面价值是高估了。既然是以历史成本入账,那么账面价值(book value)就应该是以6%入账。对于债券发行公司来说,他要承担的interest是少了的,所以价值就应该增加啊,为什么会是bon cline in value。感觉我完全没有理解过来,错了两次。

2022-12-01 22:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012101000198 问题如下 Fairmont Golf issuefixerate when interest rates were 6 percent. Rates have sinrisen to 7 percent. Using only the carrying amount (baseon historiccost) reporteon the balansheet to analyze the company’s financiposition woulmost likely cause analyst to: A.overestimate Fairmont’s economic liabilities. B.unrestimate Fairmont’s economic liabilities. C.unrestimate Fairmont’s interest coverage ratio. A is correct.When interest rates rise, bon cline in value. Thus, the carrying amount of the bon being carrieon the balansheet is higher ththe market value. The company coulrepurchase the bon for less ththe carrying amount, so the economic liabilities are overestimate Because the bon are issuea fixerate, there is no effeon interest coverage.解析公司发行了固定利率的公司债,发行时候的市场利率为6%。发行后市场利率上升到了7%。题目问,如果分析师仅基于债券的账面价值来分析公司的财务状况,会导致什么结果。账面价值是基于债券的历史成本入账的,也就是基于发行时候的市场利率6%来进行的会计处理。而实际上发行之后市场利率上升了,说明债券的市场价格下降了。AB两个都是在比较债券的账面价值和经济价值。相比其经济价值(实际的价值),账面价值是高估了。A正确,B不正确。Interest coverage ratio=EBIT/interest expense,由于债券是固定利率债券,公司实际支付的interest expense不会受到市场利率的影响,因此interest coverageratio不变,C不正确。 请教老师,为什么有个解析里面说,“BASE法则中A里的利率就是市场利率7%,S里的利率是coupon rate,L是增加了” 这里的L是什么?是用改变了的市场利率折出来零时刻的Bon初始价格吗?还是下面讲义里每期付款里面的L部分?如果是第二种情况,难道L不是逐渐减少的?

2022-08-28 04:31 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2016012101000198 问题如下 Fairmont Golf issuefixerate when interest rates were 6 percent. Rates have sinrisen to 7 percent. Using only the carrying amount (baseon historiccost) reporteon the balansheet to analyze the company’s financiposition woulmost likely cause analyst to: A.overestimate Fairmont’s economic liabilities. B.unrestimate Fairmont’s economic liabilities. C.unrestimate Fairmont’s interest coverage ratio. A is correct.When interest rates rise, bon cline in value. Thus, the carrying amount of the bon being carrieon the balansheet is higher ththe market value. The company coulrepurchase the bon for less ththe carrying amount, so the economic liabilities are overestimate Because the bon are issuea fixerate, there is no effeon interest coverage.解析公司发行了固定利率的公司债,发行时候的市场利率为6%。发行后市场利率上升到了7%。题目问,如果分析师仅基于债券的账面价值来分析公司的财务状况,会导致什么结果。账面价值是基于债券的历史成本入账的,也就是基于发行时候的市场利率6%来进行的会计处理。而实际上发行之后市场利率上升了,说明债券的市场价格下降了。AB两个都是在比较债券的账面价值和经济价值。相比其经济价值(实际的价值),账面价值是高估了。A正确,B不正确。Interest coverage ratio=EBIT/interest expense,由于债券是固定利率债券,公司实际支付的interest expense不会受到市场利率的影响,因此interest coverageratio不变,C不正确。 老师好,关于这道题如果按照BASE考虑A=BV*利率,S不变,那最后在B/S中的E是6%比7%要小,所以6%下显示的负债被低估,选B。这样理解的问题出在哪里呢?谢谢。

2022-08-02 14:34 1 · 回答