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𝒜𝒩𝒥𝒜 安雅🎃 · 2022年11月30日

dependent variable怎么检验有无unit root?

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Assuming a 5% level of significance, the most appropriate conclusion that can be drawn from the Dickey–Fuller results reported in Exhibit is that the:


A.test for a unit root is inconclusive for the dependent variable. B.dependent variable exhibits a unit root but the independent variables do not. C.independent variables exhibit unit roots but the dependent variable does not.


The Dickey–Fuller test uses a regression of the type:xt-xt-1 =b0+g xt-1+εt

The null hypothesis is H0: g= 0 versus the alternative hypothesis H1: g< 0 (a one-tail test). If g=0 the time series has a unit root and is nonstationary. Thus, if we fail to reject the null hypothesis, we accept the possibility that the time series has a unit root and is nonstationary. Based on the t ratios and their significance levels in Exhibit 2, we reject the null hypothesis that the coefficient is zero for both outside air temperature and assembly line speed (i.e., the independent variables). We do not reject the null for the dependent variable, defective assemblies per hour.

我知道DF test是从AR(1) model xt-xt-1 =b0+g xt-1+εt开始,但还是不太懂该怎么解题,我的疑问如下,谢谢!

  • 这题dependent variable (defective assemblies per hour) 和 independent variables (outside air temperature and assembly line speed) 该怎么写成AR model的形式?

  • 关于检验independent varibale有无unit root,我的做法对吗?【H0是假设g=0。如果g=0,那就有unit root。outside air temperature 和 assembly line speed的统计量分别是-5.846 和 -13.510,都是落在±1.96之外,所以要拒绝H0,说明两个independent variables没有unit root。】

  • dependent variable怎么检验有无unit root?DF 检验里面的变量都是现在的X和过去的X。
𝒜𝒩𝒥𝒜 安雅🎃 · 2022年11月30日

我是用题库筛选CFA 二级数量的习题,因为错题,所以提问的,但是这问题标签却是CPA会计的。如果有影响的话,请老师那边修改一下吧,谢谢!

1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2022年12月01日


1)本题是对一个Y和两个X这三个时间序列分别做DF test。即每个时间序列都单独拿出来测试(例如单独写成一个AR模型),一共做三次。不是混在一起只测试一次;

2)DF test的critical value和z/t-test不同,所以不能用1.96。这道题没有给出关键值,所以直接看p-value(也就是最后一列的significance of t)就可以,大于5%就直接拒绝g=0 / 有unit root的原假设。

3)dependent variable的p-value=11.23%,大于5%,说明要拒绝no unit root的原假设,即有unit root。

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NO.PZ202208300200000104问题如下 Assuming a 5% level of significance, the most appropriate conclusionthcawn from the ckey–Fuller results reportein Exhibit 2 is thatthe: A.test for a unit root is inconclusive for the penntvariable.B.pennt variable exhibits a unit root but theinpennt variables not.C.inpennt variables exhibitunit roots but the pennt variable es not. The ckey–Fuller test uses a regression of the type:xt-xt-1=b0+g xt-1+εt The null hypothesis is H0: g= 0 versus the alternativehypothesis H1: g 0 (a one-tail test). If g=0 the time series hasa unit root anis nonstationary. Thus, if we fail to rejethe nullhypothesis, we accept the possibility ththe time series ha unit root ans nonstationary. Baseon the t ratios antheir significanlevels inExhibit 2, we rejethe null hypothesis ththe coefficient is zero for bothoutsi air temperature anassembly line spee(i.e., the inpenntvariables). We not rejethe null for the pennt variable, fectiveassemblies per hour. 表格中的数字怎么和题目对应起来?完全不知道怎么用

2024-05-24 07:26 1 · 回答

NO.PZ202208300200000104问题如下 Assuming a 5% level of significance, the most appropriate conclusionthcawn from the ckey–Fuller results reportein Exhibit 2 is thatthe: A.test for a unit root is inconclusive for the penntvariable.B.pennt variable exhibits a unit root but theinpennt variables not.C.inpennt variables exhibitunit roots but the pennt variable es not. The ckey–Fuller test uses a regression of the type:xt-xt-1=b0+g xt-1+εt The null hypothesis is H0: g= 0 versus the alternativehypothesis H1: g 0 (a one-tail test). If g=0 the time series hasa unit root anis nonstationary. Thus, if we fail to rejethe nullhypothesis, we accept the possibility ththe time series ha unit root ans nonstationary. Baseon the t ratios antheir significanlevels inExhibit 2, we rejethe null hypothesis ththe coefficient is zero for bothoutsi air temperature anassembly line spee(i.e., the inpenntvariables). We not rejethe null for the pennt variable, fectiveassemblies per hour. 求解析!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2023-02-11 10:58 1 · 回答