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vee · 2022年11月28日




Which of the following statements is correct with respect to the p-value?



It is a less precise measure of test evidence than rejection points.


It is the largest level of significance at which the null hypothesis is rejected.


It can be compared directly with the level of significance in reaching test conclusions.


C is correct.

When directly comparing the p-value with the level of significance, it can be used as an alternative to using rejection points to reach conclusions on hypothesis tests. If the p-value is smaller than the specified level of significance, the null hypothesis is rejected. Otherwise, the null hypothesis is not rejected.

对于一个分布而言,每个概率面积在横轴上都有一个对应点,例如significance level α对应的分位点就是临界值critical value(假设正态分布下α=95%,双尾检验,则右尾就会对应critical value=1.96)。

而p-value也是一个概率面积,对应的点就是计算出来的检验统计量的那个点。所以当p-value<α时,就等价于检验统计量>critical value,也就是拒绝原假设。


1 个答案

星星_品职助教 · 2022年11月28日


A选项:拒绝原假设有两种等价的方法:1)p-value<significance level; 2)|critical value|<|test statistic|,其中critical value就是rejecttion point。

所以A选项说rejection points的方法不如p-value的方法精确就错了,两种方法是一样的。

B选项:正确的定义为p-value是能拒绝原假设的smallest significance level,也就是说如果significance level比p-value还小,那么就无法拒绝原假设。换个方向,这就是在说如果要拒绝原假设,significance level就必须比p-value大。说的还是拒绝原假设的条件应该是p-value<significance level。B选项的largest说反了。

C选项:p-value可以和significance level直接相比从而得到假设检验的结论。这个描述是正确的,仍然说的是拒绝原假设的原则为p-value和significance level相比,p-value小的时候拒绝原假设。三个选项实质上都在考这一点。

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NO.PZ2017092702000133 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is correwith respeto the p-value? A.It is a less precise measure of test evinthrejection points. B.It is the largest level of significanwhithe null hypothesis is rejecte C.It ccomparerectly with the level of significanin reaching test conclusions. C is correct.When rectly comparing the p-value with the level of significance, it cusealternative to using rejection points to reaconclusions on hypothesis tests. If the p-value is smaller ththe specifielevel of significance, the null hypothesis is rejecte Otherwise, the null hypothesis is not rejecte对于一个分布而言,每个概率面积在横轴上都有一个对应点,例如significanlevel α对应的分位点就是临界值criticvalue(假设正态分布下α=95%,双尾检验,则右尾就会对应criticvalue=1.96)。而p-value也是一个概率面积,对应的点就是计算出来的检验统计量的那个点。所以当p-value<α时,就等价于检验统计量>criticvalue,也就是拒绝原假设。 能方便一下- 为何是smallest 而不是 largest 吗? 以下为我的理解 - p-value 是一个概率, i.e. 如果 p-value 为 0.06 - 则我们可以理解为有 6% 的可能性 the null hypothesis 为 true (base on the available samples). 而 level of significan只是一个 pre-finethresholof rejecting null hypothesis - i.e. if p-value = thresholthen we conclu there is statisticevinto support null hypothesis being true, otherwise, we rejenull hypothesis. e.g. when p-value 0.05 level of significan= 0.05 -- 则我们可以rejenull. Regaress p-value = 0.04, 0.03 etc -- 我们都可以rejenull, 那么level of significan岂不是一个upper boun 而p-value 也可以理解为 一个大值 where we coulrejea null? 请问我的理解错在了哪里? 谢谢

2024-03-25 10:15 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000133问题如下 Whiof the following statements is correwith respeto the p-value?A.It is a less precise measure of test evinthrejection points. B.It is the largest level of significanwhithe null hypothesis is rejecte C.It ccomparerectly with the level of significanin reaching test conclusions. C is correct.When rectly comparing the p-value with the level of significance, it cusealternative to using rejection points to reaconclusions on hypothesis tests. If the p-value is smaller ththe specifielevel of significance, the null hypothesis is rejecte Otherwise, the null hypothesis is not rejecte对于一个分布而言,每个概率面积在横轴上都有一个对应点,例如significanlevel α对应的分位点就是临界值criticvalue(假设正态分布下α=95%,双尾检验,则右尾就会对应criticvalue=1.96)。而p-value也是一个概率面积,对应的点就是计算出来的检验统计量的那个点。所以当p-value<α时,就等价于检验统计量>criticvalue,也就是拒绝原假设。 请问老师,a错在哪里?

2023-12-31 18:19 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000133问题如下Whiof the following statements is correwith respeto the p-value?A.It is a less precise measure of test evinthrejection points. B.It is the largest level of significanwhithe null hypothesis is rejecte C.It ccomparerectly with the level of significanin reaching test conclusions. C is correct.When rectly comparing the p-value with the level of significance, it cusealternative to using rejection points to reaconclusions on hypothesis tests. If the p-value is smaller ththe specifielevel of significance, the null hypothesis is rejecte Otherwise, the null hypothesis is not rejecte对于一个分布而言,每个概率面积在横轴上都有一个对应点,例如significanlevel α对应的分位点就是临界值criticvalue(假设正态分布下α=95%,双尾检验,则右尾就会对应criticvalue=1.96)。而p-value也是一个概率面积,对应的点就是计算出来的检验统计量的那个点。所以当p-value<α时,就等价于检验统计量>criticvalue,也就是拒绝原假设。 p value和test statistic 的关系?

2023-05-28 17:09 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2017092702000133 问题如下 Whiof the following statements is correwith respeto the p-value? A.It is a less precise measure of test evinthrejection points. B.It is the largest level of significanwhithe null hypothesis is rejecte C.It ccomparerectly with the level of significanin reaching test conclusions. C is correct.When rectly comparing the p-value with the level of significance, it cusealternative to using rejection points to reaconclusions on hypothesis tests. If the p-value is smaller ththe specifielevel of significance, the null hypothesis is rejecte Otherwise, the null hypothesis is not rejecte对于一个分布而言,每个概率面积在横轴上都有一个对应点,例如significanlevel α对应的分位点就是临界值criticvalue(假设正态分布下α=95%,双尾检验,则右尾就会对应criticvalue=1.96)。而p-value也是一个概率面积,对应的点就是计算出来的检验统计量的那个点。所以当p-value<α时,就等价于检验统计量>criticvalue,也就是拒绝原假设。 请老师指导,B哪里错了?

2022-12-29 21:05 1 · 回答