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鑫 · 2022年11月02日




One reason for the downward sloping aggregate demand curve is that lower prices imply real exchange rates:



devaluation, which makes domestic goods cheaper, leads to a higher level of net exports.

B.appreciation,which makes domestic goods more expensive, leading to a higher level of net exports. C.appreciation,which make the country's imports and exports less competitive, leading to a decline in net exports.


A is correct.

Lower prices lead to a lower real exchange rate, which makes domestic goods cheaper for people in other countries, leading to a higher level of net exports.


根据Real D/F = Nominal D/F *P F / P D ,国内物价水平P D低时,实际汇率不应该增加吗?

1 个答案

笛子_品职助教 · 2022年11月03日


根据Real D/F = Nominal D/F *P F / P D ,国内物价水平P D低时,实际汇率不应该增加吗?


公式里的Real D/F表示外币的实际汇率,而本题问的是本币的实际汇率。所以不一样的了。


One reason for the downward sloping aggregate demand curve is that lower prices imply real exchange rates:

这里虽然没指明 real exchange rates是哪个国家的,但是没有特别指明,一般就是指本币实际汇率。

我们看汇率表达式,d/f,F是base currency,因此FX real(d/f)是表示外币(f )的实际汇率。

在本国物价下跌时,也就是CPId下跌的时候,FX real(d/f)增加,也就是外币的实际汇率增加,对应本币的实际汇率下降。




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NO.PZ2021071301000002 问题如下 One reason for the wnwarsloping aggregate mancurve is thlower prices imply reexchange rates: A.valuation, whimakes mestic goo cheaper, lea to a higher level of net exports. B.appreciation,whimakes mestic goo more expensive, leang to a higher level of net exports. C.appreciation,whimake the country's imports anexports less competitive, leang to a cline in net exports. A is correct. Lower prices leto a lower reexchange rate, whimakes mestic goo cheaper for people in other countries, leang to a higher level of net exports.较低的价格水平导致较弱的实际汇率,使国内产品对其他国家的人来说更便宜,进口竞争力下降,导致净出口水平上升。 RT

2023-08-31 22:22 2 · 回答

NO.PZ2021071301000002 问题如下 One reason for the wnwarsloping aggregate mancurve is thlower prices imply reexchange rates: A.valuation, whimakes mestic goo cheaper, lea to a higher level of net exports. B.appreciation,whimakes mestic goo more expensive, leang to a higher level of net exports. C.appreciation,whimake the country's imports anexports less competitive, leang to a cline in net exports. A is correct. Lower prices leto a lower reexchange rate, whimakes mestic goo cheaper for people in other countries, leang to a higher level of net exports.较低的价格水平导致较弱的实际汇率,使国内产品对其他国家的人来说更便宜,进口竞争力下降,导致净出口水平上升。 为啥呀,总需求不是跟汇率呈反向关系吗

2023-06-29 07:16 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021071301000002 问题如下 One reason for the wnwarsloping aggregate mancurve is thlower prices imply reexchange rates: A.valuation, whimakes mestic goo cheaper, lea to a higher level of net exports. B.appreciation,whimakes mestic goo more expensive, leang to a higher level of net exports. C.appreciation,whimake the country's imports anexports less competitive, leang to a cline in net exports. A is correct. Lower prices leto a lower reexchange rate, whimakes mestic goo cheaper for people in other countries, leang to a higher level of net exports.较低的价格水平导致较弱的实际汇率,使国内产品对其他国家的人来说更便宜,进口竞争力下降,导致净出口水平上升。 老师,我想问下,这里说的是wnwarslope, 不是说明g下降了,那么(x-m)不是应该变小吗。

2022-05-25 11:00 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2021071301000002 问题如下 One reason for the wnwarsloping aggregate mancurve is thlower prices imply reexchange rates: A.valuation, whimakes mestic goo cheaper, lea to a higher level of net exports. B.appreciation,whimakes mestic goo more expensive, leang to a higher level of net exports. C.appreciation,whimake the country's imports anexports less competitive, leang to a cline in net exports. A is correct. Lower prices leto a lower reexchange rate, whimakes mestic goo cheaper for people in other countries, leang to a higher level of net exports.较低的价格水平导致较弱的实际汇率,使国内产品对其他国家的人来说更便宜,进口竞争力下降,导致净出口水平上升。 价格水平低为什么不是汇率上升导致的?

2022-05-03 16:34 1 · 回答