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mashirolee · 2022年08月01日

memory errors 为什么属于 Cognitive error?



Weaver explains that instead of basing its assumptions on idealized behavior, behavioral finance bases them on observed behavior. She recounts an instance when an elderly client asked her to realize losses in her portfolio to offset taxable realized gains. However, the very next day the same client called her in a panic to ask why her cash balance was so high.

What behavior has Weaver’s elderly client most likely exhibited?



Emotional bias


Behavioral Finance Macro (BFMA)


Cognitive error


Behavioral biases can be categorized as either cognitive errors or emotional biases. Cognitive errors stem from basic statistical, information-processing, or memory errors and are considered to result from faulty thinking.

Weaver’s elderly client has exhibited a cognitive error: an information-processing or memory error regarding the losses that were taken to eliminate taxable realized gains which resulted in a higher than normal cash balance.


老师上课有讲到,如果能够被moderated,则属于cognitive error。但是这道题中客户由于年纪大了记忆力下降导致bias,这个应该是生理性的无法克服的现象,不太理解为何归类为cognitive error,恳请答疑解惑,谢谢!

1 个答案

王琛_品职助教 · 2022年08月02日



其实 memory errors 有很多种,不一定都是年纪大了导致的记忆力退化,也有其他形式



这道 MOCK 题不建议想的太多,具体的分析过程,及备考建议,也请参考:https://class.pzacademy.com/qa/103153


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NO.PZ2022052301000019 问题如下 Weaver explains thinsteof basing its assumptions on ializebehavior, behaviorfinanbases them on observebehavior. She recounts instanwhen elrly client askeher to realize losses in her portfolio to offset taxable realizegains. However, the very next y the same client calleher in a panic to ask why her cash balanwso high.Whbehavior hWeaver’s elrly client most likely exhibite A.Emotionbi B.BehaviorFinanMacro (BFM C.Cognitive error Behaviorbiases ccategorizeeither cognitive errors or emotionbiases. Cognitive errors stem from basic statistical, information-processing, or memory errors anare consireto result from faulty thinking. Weaver’s elrly client hexhibitea cognitive error: information-processing or memory error regarng the losses thwere taken to eliminate taxable realizegains whiresultein a higher thnormcash balance. She recounts instanwhen elrly client askeher to realize losses in her portfolio to offset taxable realizegains. However, the very next y the same client calleher in a panic to ask why her cash balanwso high.

2022-08-15 21:52 1 · 回答

NO.PZ2022052301000019问题如下 Weaver explains thinsteof basing its assumptions on ializebehavior, behaviorfinanbases them on observebehavior. She recounts instanwhen elrly client askeher to realize losses in her portfolio to offset taxable realizegains. However, the very next y the same client calleher in a panic to ask why her cash balanwso high.Whbehavior hWeaver’s elrly client most likely exhibite A.EmotionbiasB.BehaviorFinanMacro (BFMC.Cognitive error Behaviorbiases ccategorizeeither cognitive errors or emotionbiases. Cognitive errors stem from basic statistical, information-processing, or memory errors anare consireto result from faulty thinking. Weaver’s elrly client hexhibitea cognitive error: information-processing or memory error regarng the losses thwere taken to eliminate taxable realizegains whiresultein a higher thnormcash balance. 同一位客户是因为账户里现金余额过多,以为自己有“losses”,想抵税嘛?感觉自己理解题目逻辑上不顺利,麻烦老师指导一下~

2022-06-29 19:35 2 · 回答