Owen’s next meeting is with George Bailey, an entrepreneur and self-made millionaire. Owen and Yang talk prior to the meeting and he makes the following observations: Bailey is independent, strong willed, quick to make decisions, and extremely confident. Historically his portfolio has had a high turnover rate and he has tended to chase higher risk investments. He is also very “hands on.” Bailey’s youngest child is expected to graduate from university in the next couple of years and he has become increasingly more emotional about his investments. Yang questions if Owen has ever considered a behaviorally modified portfolio for Bailey, even though he demonstrates some of the shortcoming of classifying investors into personality types.
Based on Owen’s observations, which of the following would least likely limit the applicability of behavioral models to Bailey?
A.Displaying characteristics of multiple investor types.
Both cognitive and emotional biases.
Behavioral changes as he ages.
Bailey is not exhibiting characteristics of multiple investor types. He is only exhibiting the investor characteristics associated with an Active Accumulator (AA) that include both cognitive and emotional biases. His in also exhibiting behavioral changes as he is aging as he has become more emotional about his investment portfolio.
如题。如果行为发生变化,investor type不会变吗?如果变了的话,不也会影响到model的使用?